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Abstract:Tess of the d’Urbervilles (TESS hereinafter) is Thomas Hardy’s greatest work in Victorian age. The previous researches about TESS are abstract and general, mainly focusing on symbolism, fatalism, feminism and naturalism. But this dissertation attempts to analyze textual functions of inversions in the simplified version (Oxford bookworm) from perspective of inversions, giving a premise that the sentence meaning of inversion equals to those in the original. Based on the framework of prominence view, the research is carried out by comparing inversions and those in the original, proving the necessities of using inversions in simplified version. Key words: Tess of the d’Urbervilles; inversions; simplified version; textual function
摘要:《德伯家的苔丝》(本文以后简写为《苔丝》)是维多利亚时代的托马斯·哈代的伟大作品。关于《苔丝》的先前研究主要关注于象征主义,宿命论,女性主义和自然主义,且这些研究都是较抽象和概括的。本文将以倒装句为视角,在简写本与原著的语义相近的前提下,试图分析牛津书虫《苔丝》中倒装句的语篇功能。本研究通过简写本与原著的对比,从突显观的理论框架出发,证明了证明简写版中倒装句使用的必然性。 关键词:《德伯家的苔丝》;倒装句;简写本;语篇功能
The present research is a comparative analysis of TESS of simplified version and the original version from the perspective of English inversions, carried out with the framework of prominence view. Following the prominence view, the dissertation analyzes the data in the simplified version and the original. And it can see that there are five kinds of prominence in those inversions. A majority of inversions are prominence of bearings. The descriptive locations are very important. Several inversions are of great significance of time. Some is to show the prominence of state, negation and action. The biggest difference between the inversions and the related part in the original is whether it has complete message. Inversions are much simple and straightforward, while sentences of the original are more vivid and eloquent. But in general both two versions of TESS can express Hardy’s will. Under the condition of same sentence meaning, the inversion in the simplified version also has the textual functions such as topic-introduction, situation-setting, focus-highlighting, focus-contrasting and textual cohesion and coherence. Using inversion makes the sentence structure more simple and sentence meaning clearer. The existence of inversions in simplified version is very necessary. The existence of inversion in simplified version is very necessary.
论文资料贡献者对本文的描述:Tess of the d’Urbervilles (TESS hereinafter) is Thomas Hardy’s greatest work in Victorian age. The previous researches about TESS are abstract and general, mainly focusing on symbolism, fatalism, feminism and naturalism. But this dissert...... |