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Abstract:“Anger” is one of mankind’s most prevalent and important life experiences. Since, like the other emotions such as laughter, sadness and happiness, it is untouchable and hard to express we often turn to metaphorical expressions for the purpose of vivid description and communication. Many researches have been carried out on “anger” metaphor; however, previous studies mainly make a horizontal research on the main categories of “anger” metaphor by collecting different metaphor data, but rarely do longitudinal study to explore the reason behind the choice of different metaphors. The paper, taking Jane Eyre for closer study, mainly analyzes the anger metaphors in the novel which Jane generated to the main characters or vice versa, and makes a contrast analysis on the categories of these metaphors to explore the connection between different anger metaphors and personal emotional relationship among the characters. Key words: anger metaphor; personal relationship; contrast analysis
摘要:“愤怒”是人类最普遍也是最重要的人生体验之一,但是如同喜、哀、乐等其它感情一样,它是一种难以触摸、难以表达的感觉和体验,为了能够生动形象地描述这些感觉,我们往往采用隐喻化的语言表达,许多学者对英语中表达“愤怒”情感的隐喻展开研究,但以往的研究重在通过收集不同的隐喻语料,对“愤怒”隐喻的类型进行横向研究,缺乏针对不同隐喻选择原因的纵向研究。本文的重点是研究《简爱》中主人公简爱以及与她相关主要人物的愤怒情感表达中的隐喻,通过对比分析探讨不同类型“愤怒”隐喻与人物情感关系的联系。 关键词:愤怒隐喻;人物关系;对比分析
In conclusion, if the person is your lover who you really care, when you are angry, the anger metaphor can be used with “Physiological effects of anger stand for anger”, “Anger is fire”, “Anger is a hot fluid in a container”, “Anger is insanity”, “Anger is natural force” except for “Anger is a dangerous animal” and “anger is an opponent”; if the person cares you nothing but just thinking on the part of his stands, “Anger is a dangerous animal” and “anger is an opponent” can be used to describe anger, for the metaphorical sentence reveals the emotion of hatred and hostility; if the person who don’t have close and direct relationship with you, “Anger is natural force”, “anger is the quiver of the body” and “anger is fire” can be used to indicate the anger. They are neutral metaphors without carrying any good or bad feeling. The obvious exact result is that the anger metaphor of “Anger is a dangerous animal” is used on the person who you are not really like or they have the hatred and hostile feeling on you and other anger metaphors can be used on different people to show anger without hostility.
论文资料贡献者对本文的描述:The paper, taking Jane Eyre for closer study, mainly analyzes the anger metaphors in the novel which Jane generated to the main characters or vice versa, and makes a contrast analysis on the categories of these metaphors to explore the conne...... |