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ABSTRACT:Based on the study of Women in Love and the analysis of previous studies, this paper attempted to analyze the different life experiences and their different inner desires of the two sisters, Ursula and Gudrun Brangwen. It then tried to explore the reasons of their different personalities and the influence of their personalities on their views on love. This analysis may not only enable readers to have a deeper and more comprehensive understanding of the theme of this novel, but also help women to form correct views on life, love and marriage.

Key words: Influence  Personality  Analysis  View on Love  Women in Love



关键词:影响 性格 分析 爱情观 《恋爱中的女人》


   D.H Lawrence is one of the greatest writers in the 20th century and his novel Women in Love is regarded as his one of the undoubted classics in Britain. Women in Love is regarded to be more profoundly ordered novel than any other written by Lawrence for the creativity of the work. It discussed topics that were forbidden and other writers refused to touch upon, such as sex and homosexuality.

   As one of Lawrence’s most controversy works, Women in Love described the complex relationships and humanities of men and women and presented extremely complex individual personalities, which made this work obscure and hard to understand. The two sisters in this novel had totally different personalities. Ursula and Gudrun were sisters, but they were greatly different in personality, which resulted in their different love endings. As a matter of fact, their different love endings represented two kinds of love patterns, which could express well and truly their choices of love and life from their distinct personalities. 

   In Women in Love, the understanding of the leading characters Ursula and Gudrun served as the key to understanding the whole novel. Ursula was a beautiful secondary school teacher, while her younger sister Gudrun was an artist. Both of them had rebellious spirits, but they were much different in personality. Because of their differences in personalities, they had different attitudes towards love and marriage and made different choices of their lovers. Lawrence described the personalities of the two sisters as kind of contradiction between nature and society. In face of love, marriage and life, the two sisters had totally different attitudes and make extremely different choices resulting from their distinct personalities. Hence, a clear understanding of their different personalities might be the most important in order to understand the novel. 

论文资料贡献者对本文的描述:This analysis may not only enable readers to have a deeper and more comprehensive understanding of the theme of this novel, but also help women to form correct views on life, love and marriage.......