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ABSTRACT:Jack London was a famous realistic and naturalistic writer in American. The Call of the Wild is London’s famous novel. It is generally considered as his best novel. It was first published in 1903. In the novel, London criticized human’s cruelty to animals. London did not directly describe about The Gold Rush in the novel, but as novel’s background. Human’s desire for gold is limitless. Desire makes human ignore the law of nature and do the damage to nature. London criticized human’s damage to nature. In the novel, Buck and Judge Miller have friendship. And Thornton and Buck love each other, these are the harmonious relationships reflected in the novel. We can see London emphasized human should respected nature, Human and nature should coexist in harmony. This paper analyzes the ecological ideas reflected in the novel from the perspective of ecological holism. 

Key Words:  The Call of the Wild; ecological holism; Harmony


摘要: 杰克.伦敦是美国的自然主义及现实主义的著名作家。《野性的呼唤》是杰克.伦敦的著名的小说。它一般被认为是伦敦的最优秀的小说。《野性的呼唤》在1903年出版,在小说中,伦敦批评人类对动物的残忍行为。作者在小说中并没有直接描写淘金热,而是把淘金热作为小说的背景。人类对黄金的无止境的欲望,使人类忽视了自然的规律,给自然带来了灾难。伦敦以此批评人类毁坏自然的行为,强调人与自然要和谐相处。在小说里,巴克和米勒法官的友谊,以及巴克和桑顿之间的爱,都是人与自然和谐的表现。本论文用生态整体主义的观点来分析《野性的呼唤》中所体现的生态思想。

关键词:《野性的呼唤》; 生态整体主义;和谐


论文资料贡献者对本文的描述:The Call of the Wild is London’s famous novel. It is generally considered as his best novel. It was first published in 1903. In the novel, London criticized human’s cruelty to animals. London did not directly describe about The Gold Rush......