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Abstract:Vocabulary is the thing that provides important organs as well as blood and flesh if we compare language structure as the sketch of human being. For long years, lots of researchers not matter abroad or at home have proposed various vocabulary learning strategies. As the rapid development of the Internet and Multi-media, more and more researchers have focused on investigations and analyses of VLS assisted by the Internet and Multi-media. The present thesis attempts to explore the overall pattern of VLS adopted by Non-English major in the Internet and Multi-media environment, to find out whether there exists different tendency among the facets of listening, speaking, reading and writing and lastly to conclude the main obstacles among these students during VLS in the Internet and Multi-media environment. Through our investigation,we have got the following conclusion: Firstly, most students tend to agree with the belief that the computer and the Internet are contributory to vocabulary learning. Furthermore, the majority of them prefer VLS assisted by the Internet and Multi-media,especially in reading and listening activities. Thirdly, most of them are worried about some technological and unexpected problems of computer in the process of vocabulary learning. Key Words: vocabulary; VLS; the Internet and Multi-media environment; pattern; tendency; obstacles
中文摘要:词汇是构建语言的大厦,多年来国内外研究者提出众多的词汇学习策略。随着网络和多媒体的普及与发展,许多学者和权威人士越来越注重在计算机和多媒体的辅助下进行相关的语言学习尤其是词汇学习策略这一方面的调查与研究。本选题基于前人的理论和实验研究,针对非英语专业大学生词汇学习中存在的普遍问题,通过对华南师范大学增城学院非英语专业150名大三学生实行的问卷调查,试图探究非英语专业学生对网络和多媒体环境辅助下的英语词汇学习的总体观念,在此辅助环境下所进行的英语词汇的听,说,读,写四方面的是否存在不同倾向以及影响其多媒体和网络辅助英语词汇学习的主要障碍。 首先,数据显示大部分学生对网络和多媒体环境辅助学习英语词汇表示支持,对计算机辅助的各种学习活动,尤其是在读和听方便表示赞同和肯定态度。第二,在听,说,读,写方面,大部分学生都比较注重在网络和多媒体环境下词汇的读和听的活动。第三,尽管他们在网络和多媒体辅助学习环境中能进行各种各样的词汇学习,但是大部分的学生总担心遇到计算机和网络上的技术性问题,这阻碍了他们继续探索和享受这些学习方式。 关键词:词汇;词汇学习策略;网络和多媒体环境;观念;倾向;障碍
论文资料贡献者对本文的描述:Through our investigation,we have got the following conclusion: Firstly, most students tend to agree with the belief that the computer and the Internet are contributory to vocabulary learning. Furthermore, the majority of them prefer VLS ass...... |