
资料分类:英语论文 高级会员(乐悠悠7788)提供原创英语毕业论文资料更新时间:2016-04-19
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Abstract:Jude the Obscure is one of the novels of Thomas Hardy, an English novelist in 19th century. In the preface of the novel, Hardy points out that this is a tragedy of unfulfilled aims. Jude Fawley, the hero of the novel, is a man with high aspirations but an obscure fate who ends up with nothing and dies in   loneliness and misery. By the analysis of Jude’s frustrating life, the paper discusses the root causes of his tragedy from both social and personal perspectives. Jude is the product of Victorian time and is inevitably under the influence of such social conditions as educational system, marital system, religion and ethics, as well as the tragic flaws in his personality, which include his hesitance and irrationality, and also his indulgence in fantasies. As a result, Jude fails in his life dream and ends up in tragedy. As a matter of fact, Jude is the victim of that unfair society. Therefore, the thesis means to expose the several factors resulting in Jude’s miserable life and let the readers have a deep understanding of the hero-Jude by revealing his tragic life.

Key words: Jude the Obscure; Jude; social tragedy; personal tragedy




论文资料贡献者对本文的描述:Dale Kramer’s claim remains largely true when he said in 1979, “It is fair and accurate to say that, apart perhaps from Dickens, no novelist writing in English has appealed to so many different readers.” Hardy divided his novels into t......