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Abstract: In English, correct pronunciation plays an important role when you want to convey what you mean. Speaking of pronunciation, suprasegmental phonology should be put into the first place to be discussed. Among suprasegmental phonology, stress is a kind of feature that is easy to be ignored. Many people who learn English pronunciation often think if they can read the word or sentence clearly, they can convey their meanings effectively. However, with wrong stress, people may easily get confused because they misunderstand what other want to convey. English stress can be put into different position depending on what people want to say. In all, having the awareness of correct stress helps a lot to make up effective conversations.

Key words: stress, experiment, Praat, native language, negative transfer



关键词: 重音;实验;Praat软件; 本土语言;负迁移

论文资料贡献者对本文的描述:Since a sentence is formed by several isolated words, it comes true that there exists stress among a sentence. In natural connected speech, for various reasons, some words are stress, while others are not. Stress in a sentence is called sent......