
资料分类:英语论文 高级会员(jj.luck)提供原创英语毕业论文资料更新时间:2016-05-17
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Abstract: This study aims to analyze the personality of Humbert, the hero of Lolita, with the help of Freud’s Theory of Personality Structure. The thesis first gives an introduction to the novel Lolita and its author Nabokov. Then coming is a brief introduction to Freud’s Theory of Personality Structure. The following sections are a relatively detailed analysis of Humbert’s personality which is divided into “id”, “ego” and “superego” on the basis of his multiple roles in Lolita. The thesis finally concludes that it is the unbalance among “id”, “ego” and “superego” that leads to Humbert’s split personalities and his tragedy.

Key words: Humbert; personality; “id”; “ego”; “superego”




论文资料贡献者对本文的描述:Born into a wealthy, aristocratic and liberal family in Russia, Nabokov was brought up in an environment that had a tradition of high culture. He was tutored in English as well as French in the childhood. Of his boyhood reading, a large numb......