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资料分类:英语论文 高级会员(花花99)提供原创英语毕业论文资料更新时间:2016-05-30
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Abstract:The thesis will take Sun Gods as a case study to compare the Nature Gods in mythologies of ancient Chinese and Greece and reveal the vigorous similarities and differences of the two different cultures. In addition to this, it also aims at displaying the cultural art images and national characteristics by probing the deep details of Nature Gods of the two big ancient states. The common factors which are leading to the creation of Chinese and Greek Sun-Gods will be investigated to ascertain the representative Sun Gods of each country. In the body of the article, those aspects of Sun Gods will be carried out to take the comparison between ancient Chinese and Greece, such as the characteristics, the power, the symbols and the ways of worship. The aim of the comparison is to find out the differences of Nature Gods so that the different cultural spirits of the two countries can be summarized in the last chapter. It will adopt three kinds of methods to finish the thesis in the process of the comparative study. The first kind method is Comparison, which is used to compare similarities and differences of the Sun-Gods of ancient China and Achaean mainly, and finds out the argument for the thesis so as to make it able to take this as a developmental starting point. The second approach is Case Study, which manifests itself right away in the attached title of the thesis. The third method is Induction. The inductive method is used to summarize the results of the analysis of the study. The final chapter is the conclusion of the thesis which summarizes different cultural spirits of ancient China and Greece and explores deep inside details of countries by studying the two aspects both at artistic images and national spirits.

Keywords: Mythology; Nature Gods; Sun Gods; comparative study; cultural differences




论文资料贡献者对本文的描述:Mythology art is the most beautiful flower which comes out from the imagination of human beings. Myth and legend are usually regarded as the sources of literature. The great mythological culture is not only the cradle but......