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ABSTRACT:The St Clares’ were the nobility; they were Saxon and had noble blood lineage. They were so rich and accepted fine education;Also they were the members of the ruling class. However, they had some divergences, for example, on the questions of how to treat the black slave, belief and the attitudes of the slavery. From their images, we can understand the general situation at that time; The St Clares’ were the epitome of that period. Augustine St Clare was the master; he was a graceful, elegantly-formed and kindhearted young man. When some one mentioned the religion he always scoffed at it. He also can recognize the slavery was unreasonable, but he always did not take action. Sometimes he was a shilly-shally man. After Eva died, he began to read Bible, and moved by it, and then he converted Christianity. Unfortunately, he died in the coming of an unexpected calamity. Marie St Clare was the hostess. She was selfish、callous and arrogant. She always made a fuss about an imaginary illness. She was indifferent to her husband and daughter. She was the upholder of the slavery and a false Christian. Eva was a beautiful girl who was innocent、kindhearted and noble. She shone light of Christ and like an angle. She had the universal love and denied slavery. She can get a long well with the black slave and sympathized with them. She also died finally, it accused the slavery fiercely.This essay analyzes this family simply in order to let more people can understand the viciousness of slavery and introspect the human nature. Revolution means sacrifice; the wicked society needs more heroes. Key words: Harriet Beecher Stowe; Uncle Tom’s Cabin; Slavery; Christianity;
摘 要:圣.克莱尔一家是当时的贵族,有着高贵的血统,他们是纯正的撒克逊族,过着富裕的生活,受着高等的教育,他们是那个时代的统治阶级成员之一。正是这样一家人他们在对待奴隶制与宗教问题上却出现了严重的分歧,透过对他们的分析,也可以大概了解当时的社会情况,他们是那个时代下的一个缩影。圣.克莱尔这家的男主人,优雅英俊,不失幽默,说到宗教会用调侃的口吻,能够清楚地认识和揭示奴隶制的弊病,但大多数时候他是一个理论不用于实践的人,同时也透着点优柔寡断。伊娃死后他才逐渐接触《圣经》,并被其感动,最终皈依了基督教,但却不幸遭遇横祸。玛丽是女主人,她自私、冷漠,对丈夫极度不理解,也不关心女儿,成天抱怨,对黑奴经常责骂,经常无病呻吟,她非常支持奴隶制,是一个不折不扣的假基督徒。伊娃是一个美丽的小女孩,有着与生俱来的气质,她善良,纯洁,闪耀着基督的光芒,有普渡众生的愿望。她彻底反对奴隶制,同情黑奴,愿意跟他们相处,有着博爱的胸襟,她就像一个善良的天使。最后她死了,无疑是对奴隶制进行了控诉。本文对这特殊的一家进行了简单的分析,其目的在于让人们更多的了解奴隶制的邪恶,也对人性进行一次反思。每一次革命就意味着会有人牺牲,而病态的社会更需要有勇敢者站出来。 关键词: 斯陀夫人;汤姆叔叔的小屋;奴隶制;基督教 |
论文资料贡献者对本文的描述:Harriet Beecher Stowe is an American authoress. Uncle Tom’s Cabin is her most famous work. It is the most influential novel in American literature. Published in March1852 and sold three hundred thousand copies within...... |