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ABSTRACT:Interaction is introduced from social psychology to the teaching field. Wu Kanning(1997) main points of interaction, according to the objects that teacher interact with, are divided into teacher-student interaction, teacher-all students interaction, and teacher-division group interaction in classroom interaction. As Linguistics is paying more and more attention to students’ participation in class, Teacher–student interaction extremely represents the necessary. And question interaction teaching plays a major role in teacher-student interaction teaching. 

   According to the Curriculum Compendium of Basic Education Reform on 8th June, 2001, we will find the importance of putting question interaction into English teaching. This article will point out three problems based on class observation by making some records in two middle schools of Honghe prefecture. 1) Answers to teachers’ questions are mostly Yes/No. 2) Most of students keep silent about teachers’ questions. 3) Answers to questions is always concentrated on several students. Then, this article will try to find the reasons which cause these problems through questionnaire investigation. From questionnaire, we get the results that include three aspects: 1) Students are anxious about their answers and they are frightened of criticism from teacher. 2) Teachers’ questions are mostly display questions which are usually difficult for the students to answer. 3) Teachers’ criticism about students’ answers, or teachers’ low compliments about students’ responses weaken students’ enthusiasm of participating in the interaction. In order to solve these problems, to foster students’ interests of English learning, and to develop students’ thinking abilities, this thesis puts forward three principles and three strategies for effective question interaction.

Keywords: question interaction; investigation; classroom teaching; cultivation


摘  要: 互动是从社会心理学介绍到教学领域的概念。根据吴康宁(1997)的课堂互动对象的观点,可分为师生互动、师班互动和师组互动。现代语言学越来越强调学生在课堂中的主体地位,而师生互动可以最大程度地体现这一要求,问与答的教学模式在互动中发挥着独一无二的作用。

   根据教育部于2001年6月8日颁布的《基础教育改革纲要》提出新课程改革可知开展问题互动的重要性。本文通过对红河州内的两所中学进行关于“问题互动”教学的课堂观摩与记录,以及访谈,发现在问题互动环节中存在三个问题:1)学生对老师的作答只是简单的Yes/No. 2)很大一部分学生对老师提出的问题保持沉默。3)回答问题集中在少数几个学生身上。为此,本文围绕这三个问题用问卷调查形式深入调查产生问题的原因。调查结果显示主要原因为:1)由于焦虑,怕答错被老师批评。2)老师提出的问题多为展示性问题,且难。3)老师对学生的回答所做出批评,或简单的评价,削减学生参与问题互动的积极性。为了解决这一问题,为了提高学生学习英语的兴趣以及培养学生的思维能力,这篇文章针对存在的问题提出了有利于问题互动教学的三个原则和三种策略。


论文资料贡献者对本文的描述:Teacher-students question interaction will easily arouse students' English learning interests. Many psychology researches show that every student has learning desire, learning interests and the desire to display what they know in his inner w......