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资料分类:英语论文 高级会员(乖,爱学习)提供原创英语毕业论文资料更新时间:2016-06-16
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Abstract:This thesis studies the metaphor translation from cultural perspective. It probes into the features of metaphor and the relationship between culture and metaphor, mainly studies the influences of cultural elements on metaphor. It introduces the main principles of metaphor translation and two strategies, namely, domestication and foreignization. Finally, it summarizes seven translation techniques aimed at conveying cultural message in metaphor. They are literal translation, free translation, amplification, deletion and conversion. Moreover, it concludes three new methods on a basis of cultural factors in the technique of conversion, namely, replacing images of the source language metaphor, converting metaphor into simile, and rendering into idioms.

Key words:translation equivalence; metaphor translation; culture; strategy


中文摘要:本文从文化的角度研究隐喻的翻译,阐释了隐喻的特点以及与文化的关系,主要探讨了文化因素给隐喻带来的影响。本文介绍了隐喻翻译的主要原则以及归化、异化两大策略,总结了旨在传递文化信息基础上的七种翻译技巧, 即直译、意译、增译、减译、变译。又在文化的基础上总结了关于变译的新方法,即替换源语隐喻的形象,把隐喻转译为明喻以及译成成语。

关键词: 对等翻译; 隐喻翻译; 文化; 隐喻; 策略

论文资料贡献者对本文的描述:Part I focuses on the features of metaphor, the close relationship between metaphor and culture, and analyzes the influences of cultural elements on metaphor. Since these culture elements come down to every part of society......