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资料分类:英语论文 高级会员(飞舞的丝带)提供原创英语毕业论文资料更新时间:2016-07-07
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Abstract:Metaphor is a good way for human beings to appreciate the world around us. Contemporary linguists believe that metaphor is not only a linguistic phenomenon, but also a conceptual system which exists everywhere. The conceptual metaphor is to use the concrete and familiar concept to describe the abstract and unknown things so that people can understand the abstract things which don’t have a clear structure. The focus of the conceptual metaphor is to study the normal and conventional model, namely the conventional metaphors, which reveal the human beings’ cognitive law. 

   As the most familiar part, the human body inevitably plays an important role in helping people describe some abstract things and understand other unfamiliar concepts. People have done a lot of researches about human bodies such as hand, eye, face, etc. But, “back” has been overlooked by many people. So the paper will discuss the metaphors of “back”, as a supplement to the conventional research. It is divided into four chapters. Chapter One introduces the background and significance of this research. The second chapter is the literature review, briefing the study at home and abroad concerned with this research, as well as the definition of the metaphor, and the classification of the conventional metaphor. The third chapter uses the “back” as an example, so as to analyze the characteristics of the conventional metaphor. Finally, the conclusion is presented, in which we can have a good understanding of the metaphors related to the human body and make a supplement to the research of metaphors. 

Key words: conventional metaphor  body metaphor  “back”





论文资料贡献者对本文的描述:However, the human body is often regarded as the dimensions to measure the things surrounded, as said by the sage Protagorus, “Man is the measure of all things” (Wang Yin, 2003). So naturally, the body metaphor has become a focus of this......