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Abstract:The Joy Luck Club,written by Amy Tan,tells the stories about the four members of the Club,Suyuan,Lindo,Ying-ying,An-mei and their American-born daughters.Growing up in China,these mothers were educated in a Chinese way,that is,to develop themselves as what their parents wished so as to present filial piety.Therefore,it is natural that they inculcated Chinese-style educational concepts for them.Suyuan is Jing-mei’mother.She believed that her daughter had the potential to become a pianist,and she developed her daughter on the basis of her wish.However,Suyuan neglected a fact that Jing-mei grew up in America.American people sing of freedom and individualism.Jing-mei wanted to live for herself.Thus,Jing-mei could not accept this kind of love from her mother.And the relationship between them became tense.Similarly,after Waverly won the top prize in a national chess competition,Lindo became confident that her daughter,Waverly,were endowed with the capability to become prominent in chess.Since then,she intended to develop Waverly into a professional chess player as she wished.As a result of the ignorance that Waverly was a half-American,Lindo’s wishes on her daughter failed.Waverly gave up playing chess.For these daughters, the submissiveness to parents appears not to be easy for them to understand and accept.This is because they received education in an Americanized way.They have their own life style,and they are willing to do whatever they like.In other words,they warship freedom and individualism.In consequence,they feel offended when their mother ruled and interfered with their private life,and in the mean time,they were reluctant to live their lives for the sake of the dreams of their mothers that were still unrealized. Daughters see this as a fetter on the development of their personalities. As a matter of fact,the way their mothers educated them was an embodiment to show mothers’love and concern.Because their daughters are unknown of how miserable their mothers’ life was when they were young,plus two different educational concepts between China and America,the daughters are unconscious of the love coming from their mothers.Instead,mothers and daughters became estranged when their mothers educated them in a Chinese way. However,as the daughters grew adults and became more mature, they can understand their mothers after being told the experiences of what occurred to their mothers many years ago in China.They became reconciled. Their conflict resulted from improper handling between educators and receivers from two countries.The experiences of the four Chinese-American daughters tell us that educators and receivers should not be separated from each other,and not break the balance when exposed the dual surroundings of China and the United States.Instead,educators and receivers ought to be adapted to and integrated into each other.Only in this way will an individual develop himself and his talent and value will be showed in different cultural background. Key Words:Chinese and American educational concept,estrangement,harmony,mother,daughter
中文摘要:华裔作家谭恩美的小说《喜福会》中的4位成员:素愿、林多、英英和安梅,分别讲述了自己在中国与父母在一起的成长经历和与自己在美国出生的女儿之间所发生的故事。由于母亲们从小在中国长大,接受的是中国式教育:她们要按照长辈的意愿发展自己,服从自己的父母,从而体现出对他们的孝顺。当她们在教育自己在美国出生的女儿的过程中,她们自然而然地把这种中国式的教育理念渗透在她们各自的女儿身上:素愿认为自己的女儿Jing-mei可以成为一名钢琴家,于是把一切的希望寄托在她身上,并按照自己所希望的那样培养Jing-mei。但是她却忽略了Jing-mei从小在美国长大,她接受的是美国式教育,她崇尚自由、张扬个性,因此她不能接受来自母亲的这种爱,她要追求自己的生活;同样,林多也认为自己的女儿Waverly能成为世界级的下棋高手,于是付出自己的全部培养Waverly,可是林多也忽略了自己女儿的双重身份,完全用中国式的对家长的服从要求Waverly,因此Waverly最终没有选择下棋的道路。这种服从家长式的教育让女儿们无法接受,因为她们受到的是美国式教育,她们有自己的生活方式,甚至她们觉得想做什么就做什么。换句话说,她们崇尚自由、平等和个人主义,不愿意由母亲来规划她们的生活,不愿意为了她们母亲未了的愿望而奋斗。因此当母亲们期望女儿能实现自己的心愿时,女儿们却认为她们这样做桎梏了自己的发展。 事实上,她们的母亲这样要求她们是对她们的关爱。因为她们的女儿们并不知道她们的母亲年轻时所经受的痛苦、悲惨的经历,缺乏和她们必要的沟通以及中、美两国教育理念的差异,女儿们无法理解她们母亲的真心,最终导致心灵上的隔阂。随着女儿们的日益成熟,并且当她们了解了自己母亲的经历后,这些华裔儿女们骨子里的东西似乎被唤醒,渐渐地理解她们母亲的良苦用心,从疏远走向和谐。 这些都是她们所接受的中美教育的差异和冲突所致,是中美教育的施教者和受教育者没有处理好二者关系的所致。华裔女儿的经历告诉我们:置身于中美文化的双重环境,施教者(中国的父母)和受教育者(华裔儿女)都不应使二者对立,施教者在教育自己的子女时,应考虑到子女们在异国的教育背景,而不是一成不变地照搬中国式的教育理念,做到因地制宜、量体裁衣;同时,受教育者应该在接受美国式教育的同时,从他们的父母那里汲取中国教育理念的长处,了解并传承中华民族传统美德,从而取长补短,相得益彰。只有这样,受教育者才能在这种双重的教育和文化环境中成长,发展自己,创造自己,成为对社会、国家和世界有用的人。 关键字:中美教育理念、疏远、和谐、母亲、女儿 |
论文资料贡献者对本文的描述:One’s growth and success have a close relationship with education from their parents.Chinese parents habitually educate their children in a persuasive and coercive way.However,as Chinese parents pass education on their American-born...... |