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ABSTRACT:In recent years, English has been playing an increasingly important role in the construction and the development of society. Education Agency pays more attention to the English education. There are a lot of problems in English Education, in particular in the rural areas. Most of rural students who are studying in Middle School are weak in English. There may be two main factors to affect their good performance on English, external factor and internal factor. As for external factor, there would be some elements, such as the lack of teaching facilities in rural schools, bad circumstance, parents’ factors, and the teachers’ low level in English. Besides, there are a lot of internal factors. For example, students’ knowledge is deficient, they lack of good mental status, and they lack of scientific methods of study and habits and so on. Those are the obstacles to block rural learners to study English well. So it’s the important issue on how to fulfill quality-oriented education of foreign language teaching in rural areas, and how to fully exploit students’ learning potential, and how to enhance their learning motivation. This article focuses on probing into the difficulties encountered by the Rural Middle School Students in Learning English, and pointing out the factors and solutions. Key words: rural middle school students; difficulties; factors; solutions
摘 要:英语在社会建设与发展中扮演着越来越重要的角色,教育部门很重视英语教育教学。但是,英语教育教学在很多方面都存在着问题,尤其是农村英语教育。随着英语新课程改革的不断深入,农村初中学生学习英语困难的问题也不断涌现。农村学生英语学习成绩较差,除了如农村学校教学设施不足,硬件条件差,家长因素,教师素质等外在因素之外,还有许多内在因素:缺乏学习英语的良好心理素质,知识面较窄,科学的学习方法,良好的学习习惯等等,这些都成为他们学习英语的主要障碍。如何在农村外语教学中实施素质教育,充分挖掘学生的学习潜能,提高他们的学习积极性和学习成绩,是摆在我们农村外语教育面前的一个亟待解决的问题。本文主要探讨农村初中学生学习英语困难这一情况,指出原因及其解决方法。 关键词:农村初中学生;困难;原因;对策 |
论文资料贡献者对本文的描述:With the needs of economic development, China attaches great importance to English education. English language teaching has been becoming a compulsory course carried out in Middle schools in China. However, there are some problems in English...... |