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资料分类:英语论文 高级会员(阳の阳)提供原创英语毕业论文资料更新时间:2016-07-27
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Abstract:Interest is the best teacher for learning. The most famous Switzerland educationist Piaget had said that all intellectual activities depend on interest. This theory shows that learning interest is very important for English acquisition. Learning interests can help students study freely during their learning carrier. It also can stimulate the students’ study desire and make them work hard in their learning carriers. In China, the examination-oriented education had become the main-stream education for today’s English teaching,but quality-oriented education become an only slogan. Teachers ignore the cultivation of the students’ learning interests and the practical skills. The rural settings because of the poor teaching facilities and other factors affecting the students’ English learning interests which result in making them dislike the new languages learning. To excavate the students’ English learning interest had been the most important highlights for many years. This thesis investigates English learning interest on No. 1 Middle school of Xindian, Wenshan state, Yunnan province, and observes the effect elements on English learning, and analyzes the cause of English learning interests’ differences. This thesis expected to provide empirical data for promoting the further reform of English learning frustration.

Key words: English learning interests; rural setting; rural junior middle school students




论文资料贡献者对本文的描述:The significance of English learning interest has already been identified by many domestic and abroad researchers and scholars. Language learning interests are used by junior middle school students in rural settings in China will help them t......