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资料分类:英语论文 高级会员(阳の阳)提供原创英语毕业论文资料更新时间:2016-07-27
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Abstract:Olympic Games has brought up the enormous business opportunity for the sports industry. According to the data of State Statistics Bureau, Beijing Olympic Games will spur the economy by 0.3 percent every year within the following seven years, of which the biggest beneficiary is the sports industry. However, the sports industry of our country is still in its initial development period, featured by the irrational structure, and therefore we must strengthen the internationalizing pace of sports industry of China, promote its healthy and orderly development. It is a major event of our country that Beijing holds 2008 Olympic Games, which is also a great business opportunity of attracting world attention. The Olympic Games is not only a sports gala, but also a large stage for economy development. At present, with the goal of " New Beijing, Great Olympics " and the concept of “ environment-friendly Olympics, technology-empowered Olympics and culture-enriched Olympics”, Beijing, fully prepared to seize this historical opportunity for the development of the sports industry, is making arrangements for the Olympic Games with all its strength, and implementing the economic strategy of the Olympic Games in an all-round way to promote the development of sports industry in Beijing and all across the country.


Keywords: Beijing Olympic Game; the sports industry; the potentiality of sports industry in China; the anticipation

论文资料贡献者对本文的描述:This thesis is tying to analyze the opportunity facing China for the development of China’s Sports Industry posed by the upcoming Beijing Olympics Games and make assessment......