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Abstract:Cinema is one of the most influential kinds of the mass media in the present world. Every year tens of thousands of movies are scripted, filmed and shown, and quite a few international film festivals of different scales are held in various countries such as the Berlin International Film Festival, the Cannes International Film Festival and the Oscar Awards Ceremony. The name of a movie is just like the coat of a man. It must emphasize the film content, transmit the theme, catch the audience’s attention, increase the box office and so on. Therefore, to exactly translate the movie names is important. But the translators’ circle has not paid enough attention to it. Many mistranslations and different versions of the same movie result due to the lack of standard principles. This paper discusses seven principles of translation of movie names including faithfulness and expressiveness, entertainment, cultural difference, aesthetic artistry, brevity, vividness and attraction on the basis of the common principles of translation and the characteristics of movies.

Key words:  movie name;  translation;  mistranslation;  principle


中文摘要:电影是一种当代最具有影响力的大众传播媒介,每年全世界拍摄和播映的电影成千上万,国际电影节也很多,如奥斯卡、柏林、戛纳等国际电影节,规模各异。而电影片名就好比是人的一件外衣,具有突显影片内容、传达主题信息、吸引观众、提升票房收入等特点,因此,确切地翻译电影片名是非常重要的。但是翻译界对于电影片名翻译并不是很重视,这方面还没有一致的原则,从而出现各种各样的错误或一片多名的现象。本文从翻译的一般原则和电影的自身特点出发,论述电影片名翻译的七大原则,包括忠实与通顺、娱乐性、文化差异性、审美艺术性、 简短性、 生动性和吸引性。


论文资料贡献者对本文的描述:This thesis gives norms and principles for translation of movie titles. Firstly, it deals with the necessities of translation of movie names in deference to translation principles. There are too many mistranslated and dull movie names; all o......