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Abstract:This paper will focus on the love experience and marriage process of three pairs of lover, Caroline and Collins, Lydia and Wickham, Elizabeth and Darcy in Pride and Prejudice. With their typical views towards love and foundation of their marriage, this paper will give a deep introduction and analysis about how they chose and why they make such choices. It also tries to analyze Jane Austen’s own viewpoint on marriage and love as reflected in the main characters’ words and thoughts. As a famous novelist who mainly stresses on elements of emotion in a marriage, Jane Austen not only shows the readers a variety of people with different love perception, but also raises a question of how to make the decision when facing the dilemma of choosing love or property. The three pairs of lover represent three types of love, money, passion and true love, among them, money refers to a sort of property-only life without any basis of love; passion here is a mode of love merely on the surface, and ignores inner duty and sense of moral, including their behavior which is never thought twice. The main body consists of three parts. Each part will give a general picture and an analysis of a couple about their views of love. The first part will give the analysis of marriage based on concept of social status and money which Charlotte holds, and her marriage with Mr. Collins. The second part is about the marriage based on passion only which Lydia and Wickham chose. The third part will introduce and analyze the love of Darcy and Elizabeth. So, the true love should be the foundation of emotion and marriage of human beings. It makes truly understanding and respect between lovers, and keeps their love stable and long-lasting. Key words: money, passion, true love
摘要:本文通过对《傲慢与偏见》中,卡罗琳与科林斯,莉迪亚与维克汉姆,以及伊丽莎白和达西三对主人公的感情经历所进行的介绍和分析,阐述了三对主人公各自的爱情观和凭借其不同的感情基础而确立的婚姻。根据对以上人物性格的描写与典型事件的分析,本文还会简要分析作者本人的婚姻与爱情观。因为作为一名在作品中强调情感因素占重要地位的作者,简·奥斯丁让读者们看到的不仅仅是书中人物各具特点的爱情经历,还有当人们在遇到恋爱婚姻与财产和社会地位冲突的时候,书中的人物们又是如何选择的。这三对主人公对待爱情的选择分别代表了三种感情模式,即金钱,激情以及真爱,其中的金钱模式指的是完全从物质方面为出发点,并且忽略了感情因素的爱情,文中的激情模式则指双方感情的结合中只注重爱情的表面,而完全忽略了责任以及道德感,还有他们不计后果的行为。 本文主要分成三个部分,每个部分将对一对恋人的感情经历进行描述,并且剖析其爱情观。第一部分分析卡罗琳与科林斯的感情,他们的结合完全凭借物质条件;第二部分析莉迪亚与维克汉姆的婚姻,体现了一种完全的激情的,不顾后果的爱情观;第三部分阐述分析伊丽莎白与达西的爱情,两人凭借对彼此的真爱冲破了各自的矛盾,并且获得了真正的幸福。 真爱才应该是人类情感与婚姻的根基,才能真正的使人与人之间相互理解,相互尊重,使感情持之以恒。 关键词:金钱,激情,真爱 |
论文资料贡献者对本文的描述:Jane Austen was very sensitive to what went on around her, though she lived in an uneventful, placid, and circumscribed environment. Her observations on the manners of her time and of her class were completely shown in her novels: Sense and ...... |