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资料分类:英语论文 高级会员(isis)提供原创英语毕业论文资料更新时间:2016-08-17
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Abstract:Nowadays the interpersonal relationships are very close. When people are communicating with those who have entirely different cultural background, we need to know their customs and taboos. China has many different customs from English-speaking countries in compliments, especially the U.S. This paper talks about the different aspects, as well as the same or similar aspects, and includes the reasons why we have different things from the Westerners. From the contrast of the compliments between Chinese and English, we know that the different cultural background is the most important factor. Both Chinese and American take sincerity for an important aspect of compliments. Although both Chinese and English-speaking people use acclaim, Chinese do not use acclaim as frequently as American. The reply of the acclaim also has a great difference in cultural aspect.

Key words: acclaim; compliment; cultural background


摘  要:当今社会,人与人之间的联系越来越紧密。 我们在与那些文化背景跟我们完全不一样的人交流情感时,应注意对方的习俗和一些需要避忌的地方。中国与英语国家,尤其是美国,在称赞人这方面有着不同的习俗,本文对于两者之间的异同,以及中国为何异于西方国家进行了一些论述,并得出其重要原因是由于两者不同的文化背景。中英就称赞的前提和基础而言,二者基本上是一致的,要以“实”为基础,以“诚”相见。但中国人使用称赞语不如英语国家的人们,尤其是美国人用得那么频繁;在对待称赞语的答复上也是有较大的差异。

关键词:称赞; 恭维; 文化背景

论文资料贡献者对本文的描述:When people criticize someone else mistake or incorrectness, it is not proper to say directly. Usually people avoid direct criticism. The way on criticism should be in tactful language. No body likes to hear overbearing or domineering speech......