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Abstract:The paper is an analysis of the characteristics of Holden Caulfield in The Catcher in the Rye, and tries to explore the causes why does the teenager develop an anti-orthodox character. The 16 years old boy, who has been kicked out of school because of his failure in four courses, has experienced three days’ adventure before Christmas. During it, using a cynical and jaded voice, Holden narrates his witness of the flaws and darkness of society with which he gets in touch. Although in his subconscious he longs for the meaningful connection with everyone he loves, the main cause of anti-orthodox character leads to his failure in contacting with others. His inability to successfully negotiate the chasm leaves him on the verge of emotional collapse. Why does Salinger write his hero with an anti-orthodox character? How does a teenager form this kind of character? Here the paper intends to analyze Holden’s anti-orthodox character and try to find the reasons by the following ways. Starting with the study of J.D.Salinger’s background, the “serious” generation and the author’s individual experience, the paper analyzes the social environment the character lives in, and then, under this environment, what cause an anti-orthodox character formed. Meanwhile, though the character language and appearance description, the paper studies the course and the reasons developing an anti-orthodox character, and also explore the symbols affecting on the character. The last but not least, the paper deals with Holden who is in the stage of immature, weathering “wind of boasting” , is tormented by the death of his younger brother-Allie Caulfield and the suicide of one of schoolmates. Under the great pressure, Holden desires to communicate with others; however, due to lacking of the communication skills, he is unable to balance the relationship. Owing to the distance between his hope and the cruel reality, his psychology confusion is exacerbated by the eroded moral world. He also fears the “phony” adult’s world corrodes the pure soul of children. Therefore, he is convinced his anti-orthodox belief to protect himself in his way and also to help children avoiding pollution from the adult world. Salinger shows a vivid character with anti-orthodox in his hero. Though controversial, form a unique perspective, the paper intend to make increasingly numbers of the readers to saw Holden Caulfield as a symbol of, unfettered individuality in the face of culture oppression, and to stir up more reader’s feelings, and attract people’s attention to consideration how to take care of children and how to develop a harmonious society to children. Key Words: Holden Caulfield; anti-orthodox; character
摘要:本文分析了J.D.Salinger《麦田守望者》笔下的主人公---霍尔顿反传统文化的人物性格及其成因。塞林格在《麦田守望者》中以第一人称霍尔顿自述的形式叙述了一个16岁的年轻人因学业无成而被学校开除。他以一种愤世嫉俗的口吻来宣泄对周围世界虚伪与丑陋的不满。虽然潜意识中希望与人沟通,但由于反传统文化的心理根源所造成的压力,导致愿望的破灭,最终难以成功的跨越这一鸿沟而濒临精神崩溃边缘的故事。本文通过作者所处的时代背景、个人生活经历着手。分析故事主人公所处的社会环境,以及在这种环境下,其反正统文化性格形成的诱因。并以人物的语言、外貌描写为切入点研究反正统文化心理形成的过程和原因,探索象征手法的运用对其塑造反正统文化心理的作用。分析处于思想不成熟阶段的霍尔顿在社会背景浮夸的侵蚀下,弟弟、同窗死亡阴影的影响下,本性善良,虽然内心希望与人交际却又缺乏沟通技巧所造成人际关系的失调。希望与现实不符加剧了他其心理的混乱,因为害怕成人世界所恪守的传统的侵蚀了孩子纯真的心灵。从而更坚定了他反传统文化的信念。塞林格向读者展示了一个活生生的人物霍尔顿——具有反正统文化精神的英雄式人物。塞林格塑造的人物霍尔顿虽然脏话连篇做事冲动,受到争议但是他却以独特的视角深深触动了大批读者的感情,并引发现代人对自我的反省,对青少年成长的关注以及思考如何创造更适于青少年成长的和谐社会都有着重大意义。 关键词:霍尔顿;反传统文化;人物性格 |
论文资料贡献者对本文的描述:From the discussion above, it is universally acknowledged that the main character of Holden is anti-orthodox. The course of developing such kind of character needs to possess these several factors listed as follows: firstly, the full name ex...... |