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ABSTRACT:The Joy Luck Club is the first novel of Amy Tan,a famous Chinese-American writer. In the novel she mainly describes the relationship and cultural conflicts between four pairs of Chinese-immigrant women and their American-born daughters. Each of the four Chinese women has her own view of the world based on her experiences in China and wants to share with their daughter with their maternal love of various forms. However, their daughters don’t understand their mothers and the Chinese culture that their mothers represent, but as time elapses, the daughters begin to understand and appreciate their mothers' past and accept their mothers in the end. The East-West cultural conflict is a recurring theme of the novel and also the main reason of the complex conflicts between these mother-daughter. This paper focus on the conflicts between Lindo, Suyuan and their daughter, demonstrates that their conflicts are not simply mother-daughter conflicts but the cultural conflict. Moreover, these cultural conflicts reflect the different life experience the two mother-daughters had undergone, such as education, historical backgrounds and different aspects of life Key words: The Joy Luck Club Mother-daughter relationship Conflict Cultural Differences
摘要:《喜福会》是美国著名的华裔女作家谭恩美的代表作品。在小说中,她呈现给读者的是四位中国移民母亲与她们女儿之间的故事。这四位母亲都有着自己的世界观,她们的世界观又是立足于她们的中国生活经历。她们想把自己的经历一一讲述给女儿,并努力通过母爱的表达在她们与女儿的文化差异和冲突之间建立起沟通的桥梁,可是美国女儿不能接受中国母亲的中国式的母爱和教育,但是随着时间的推移和女儿的长大,女儿逐渐理解、懂得、母亲和她的所为,接受了中国文化,中美文化也随之共融。 本文旨在从母亲及女儿们所经历的不同历史背景、条件和不同生活经历等方面分析、论述,探索《喜福会》中母女之间的种种冲突的文化深意和缘由。通过对谭恩美的小说《喜福会》中两位最具特点的中国移民母亲和在美国长大的女儿之间复杂关系的深入剖析,揭示了母女之间冲突的本质是中美两国文化上的差异,冲突的化解就是中美文化的融合 关键词:喜福会 母女关系 冲突 文化差异 |
论文资料贡献者对本文的描述:Although there are lots of conflicts between the mothers and the daughters, the readers are pleased to find each story ends with the reunion of the mothers and the daughters. It is through fight, communicating and reconciliation with each ot...... |