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Abstract:In the novel The Dharma Bums, Jack Kerouac recounts his journey across the American landscape in the mid-1950s and through this novel, Jack Kerouac focuses on a journey of an individual journeying step by step toward the spiritual enlightenment of the real beatific life, which consists in escaping the mainstream society and taking to the open road in order to restlessly find, understand and explain the existence of an individual in the world; abandoning all reliance on material possessions and adopting religious faiths or life styles in order to purify soul; getting close to nature and meditating in nature in order to feel the solitude and get the inner peace. Although to some people this pilgrimage of an individual toward the spiritual enlightenment is too unorthodox or extreme, to Jack Kerouac, it is the best way in pursuit of the spiritual enlightenment or spiritual freedom. The Dharma Bums absolutely illustrates or expresses Jack Kerouac’s beatific spirit for his life. This novel The Dharma Bums is one of the most representative novels of Jack Kerouac and it can be considered as the travel notes or the biography of Jack Kerouac’s life in the mid-1950s America because nearly the whole scenes in this novel are based on the true stories that happened to Kerouac in this period of time. In this novel, the protagonist Ray Smith (modeled after Jack Kerouac) lives the life of a vagabond, riding the trails, hitchhiking, abandoning all reliance on material possessions, adopting a Zen Buddhist lifestyle and returning to the natural world just in order to get the spiritual enlightenment for a beatific life. In my study, I will follow the path of Ray Smith step by step and focus on an individual’s quest for spiritual enlightenment and illustrate the methods and measures he employs in pursuit of an understanding of the real beatific life. Key Words: pilgrimage; spiritual enlightenment; beatific spirit
摘要:通过《达摩流浪者》这本小说,杰克·凯鲁亚克详细描述了他在上个世纪50年代中期横跨美国大陆的朝圣之旅的故事,并且通过这本小说杰克·凯鲁亚克重点关注的是一个人对于极乐至福生活的心灵感悟过程。这种极乐至福的生活包括逃离主流社会并且成为一名流浪者 — 目的是为了永不停歇地寻找,理解和解释一个人在这个世界上存在的意义;抛弃所有对于物质或金钱的依靠并且接受带有宗教影响的信念或是生活方式目的是为了能够净化自己的灵魂;为了能够享受孤独的感觉和获得内心的平静贴近大自然并且在山林中打坐冥想。尽管这种获得心灵感悟的过程在一些人眼中是另类的并且极端的,但对于杰克·凯鲁亚克来说这是最好的追寻心灵的感悟或是精神上的自由的方式。总而言之,《达摩流浪者》这篇小说表达了杰克·凯鲁亚克对极乐至福精神的追求。 《达摩流浪者》这本小说是杰克·凯鲁亚克最具代表性的小说之一;并且可以把它看作是杰克·凯鲁亚克在上个世纪50年代中期的游记或是自传,因为这本小说中几乎所有内容都是根据发生在杰克·凯鲁亚克身上的事情而创作的。这本小说的主人公雷·史密斯(原型就是杰克·凯鲁亚克自己)过着流浪汉的生活,扒火车,免费搭乘便车旅行,抛弃所有对于物质和金钱的依靠,接受禅宗佛教的生活方式并且回到原始的大自然 — 为的仅仅是能够获得对于真正的极乐至福生活的心灵感悟。在这篇论述杰克·凯鲁亚克《达摩流浪者》中的极乐至福精神的文章中,我将跟随小说中的主人公雷·史密斯的脚步,一步一步地来研究这个人对极乐至福生活的心灵感悟,并且我也会用具体的例子来阐述在这一过程中主人公采用的方式和方法。 关键词:朝圣之旅 心灵感悟 极乐至福精神 |
论文资料贡献者对本文的描述:As we know, the life of the marginalized figure in a society has always been an intriguing and dramatic literary subject. In Jack Kerouac’s novel The Dharma Bums, the protagonist Ray Smith (modeled after Jack Kerouac) just represents such ...... |