
资料分类:英语论文 高级会员(易小编)提供原创英语毕业论文资料更新时间:2016-08-22
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Abstract:Wuthering Heights is the only novel of Emily Bronte. In the novel, Emily describes the love tragedy between Heath Cliff and Catherine. Their love that is beyond life and death gives people a deep impression. The roots that cause the love tragedy of the hero and heroine are: the social environment that Heath Cliff and Catherine are living in; the complex personality of the hero and heroine and the complex emotion of love and hate between Heath Cliff and Catherine. By exploring the roots of their love tragedy, we can see that the love tragedy between the hero and heroine is endowed with rich social connotation, and it deeply reflects the British social class distinction of Victorian Age—the human inequality under the bourgeois society. We can say that it is not only the love tragedy of the hero and heroine but also the tragedy of the society.

Keywords:  Heath Cliff; Catherine; Love tragedy; Social environment; Complex personality; Complex emotion



关键词:希斯克利夫;凯瑟琳; 爱情悲剧; 社会环境; 复杂的性格;爱恨情感

论文资料贡献者对本文的描述:Emily was born on July 30th, 1818. The 5th child of the Reverend Bronte. When she was three years old, her mother died of cancer, and her Aunt Barnwell raised them. After that, Emily went to a boarding school opened by charity. The school li......