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Abstract:We can never split language learning from culture learning. The close relationship of them has made it commonly recognized that it is of vital significance to import culture teaching into language teaching. However, in the present EFL (English as a Foreign Language) teaching process, attention is paid unilaterally to target language culture input, the mother tongue culture being ignored. People have overstated the negative transfer function of mother tongue on foreign language learning, and ignored the positive one, which has led to the ubiquity of Chinese culture aphasia in Chinese English learners. The lack of Chinese culture has become an urgent problem in English class. Owing to the “Chinese culture heat” around the globe as well as the increasingly frequent global cultural communication, the one-sided input of target language culture in English teaching can not meet the needs of mother tongue culture export. Studies have found that most of Chinese English learners could not properly express their own culture in English, especially senior high school students. The lack of Chinese culture has become an urgent problem in English class. Along with the Chinese culture "going out" becoming more and more urgent, the Chinese students' ability of cross-culture communication, especially the ability to express Chinese characteristics in English is paid more and more attention in this field. Thus how to deal with “aphasia of Chinese culture” in English classes has become the focus of the study. On the basis of previous research results, through interviews, questionnaires and experiments, the author aims to explore the present situations in Chinese EFL teaching on a random sample of students in Handan No.2 Senior High School. Based on the findings, the writer also puts forward some suggestions on test systems, teaching materials, teaching strategies and teachers` qualifications, with the hope that the solutions would enhance Chinese culture input in class, help the students build up intercultural communicative awareness, and finally overcome "aphasia of Chinese culture” in English learning. Keywords: aphasia of Chinese culture; Handan No.2 senior high school; ways to cure the aphasia
摘要:语言的学习始终脱离不了文化的学习,语言与文化之间的密切关系使得在外语教学中导入文化教学这一理念已得到我国外语界的普遍认同。然而现今的外语教学片面注重目的语文化的输入, 忽视了课堂中的母语文化输入。这是导致“中国文化失语症”在中国的英语学习者中普遍存在的主要原因。人们片面注重目的语文化输入是由于过分夸大了母语对外语学习的负迁移作用,而忽视了其正迁移作用。在全球文化交流日益频繁和中国文化热的背景下,只注重目的语文化输入的教学已不适应当前母语文化输出的需求。研究表明,大多数的英语学习者都不能很好地用英语表达我们自己的母语文化,而这种现象在高中的学生中表现尤为明显。中国文化的缺失已成为英语课堂上亟待解决的问题。 随着中国文化“走出去”变得越来越迫切,中国学生跨文化交际的能力,尤其是用英语表达中国特色文化的能力越来越受到外语学界的关注。如何克服英语课堂中的“中国文化失语症”已成为研究的焦点。本文以邯郸市第二高级中学为例,在借鉴前人研究成果的基础上,通过走访、调查问卷、对比实验等方式了解现阶段高中生用英语表达中国文化的能力水平,并从考试机制、教学资料、教学策略和教师素质等方面对如何克服高中生英语学习中的“失语症”提出了自己的见解,希望可以在今后高中英语课堂的改革中得到应用,引导教师在课堂上更注重对学生用英语表达中国文化能力的培养,帮助学生树立正确的跨文化交际意识,帮助其彻底克服“中国文化失语症”。 关键词:中国文化失语症;邯郸市第二高级中学;跨文化交际意识 |
论文资料贡献者对本文的描述:Although it has been over ten years since the phrase “The Aphasia of Chinese culture” was first put forward, this phenomenon is still a serious problem in the area of foreign language teaching. Despite the constant efforts made by schola...... |