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资料分类:英语论文 高级会员(艾米)提供原创英语毕业论文资料更新时间:2016-09-17
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Chapter1 Introduction-1

Chapter2 introduction of pun-3

2.1 Definition of Pun-3

    2.1.1 The History of Puns-3

2.2 The Classification of Puns-3

2.3 The Uses of Puns-4

Chapter3 Difficulties of translating puns in English films and television programs-5

3.1 Characteristics of Subtitle Translation-5

3.2 Characteristics of Films-5

3.3 Difficulties of Translating Puns-5

Chapter4 puns in films and television programs-7

4.1 Two Broke Girls-7

     4.1.1 Introduction of Two Broke Girls-7

   4.1.2 The Importance of Two Broke Girls in This Paper-7

4.2 Translatability of Puns in Films and Television Programs-7

4.3 Types of Puns in English Films and Television Programs-8

     4.3.1 Homophone Puns-8

   4.3.2 Polysemy Puns-9

Chapter5 strategy of translation of puns in English films and televition programs-11

5.1 Literal Translation-11

5.2 Translate One Layer of Meanings of Puns-11

5.3 Literal Translation/Free Translation + Annotation-12

Chapter6 Conclusion-13

6.1 Conclusion-13

6.2 Limitation and Expectation-13



论文资料贡献者对本文的描述:The widespread use of puns in films and television programs, on the one hand, adds more charms to those works, while on the other hand, has brought a great challenge to the translators who deal with subtitle. This paper analyzes the difficul......