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资料分类:英语论文 高级会员(18389978)提供原创英语毕业论文资料更新时间:2016-09-26
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Abstract:Language is the instrument of communication. A language involves three elements: phonology, vocabulary and grammar. It is obvious that vocabulary is the most essential part of the three elements. If there is no vocabulary, there is no any sentence, even if the techniques are good. Therefore, English vocabulary is the basis of English study, and the key to studying English well is mastering vocabulary. In China, teachers put great emphasis on explaining grammar, while overlooking the importance of vocabulary teaching. By using questionnaires, this paper made a thorough research on the students’ methods they used for English vocabulary learning in junior high schools. With the investigation of focus group, the researcher knows the problems exiting in their English study. According to these problems, this paper has put forward several pieces of suggestion for the teachers and the students in English vocabulary teaching and learning.

Key words: junior high school; vocabulary learning; English vocabulary teaching



关键词: 初中英语;词汇学习;教学方法

论文资料贡献者对本文的描述:The only thing they know about vocabulary is its pronunciation, spelling and meanings, consequently, students do not know how to use it. They spend much time but cannot achieve a high level. There is no doubt that vocabulary is a big obstacl......