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Abstract: This paper studies commercial advertising translation principles from the perspective of emotional transmission. It focuses on discussing emotional transmission barriers in English-Chinese advertisement translation with some well-known examples of advertising and further puts forward translation principles of commercial advertising, in order to achieve the purpose of “communication with emotion”. The author believes that translators should take advertising conception, starting point, word processing and consumer psychological process into consideration to transmit emotion when translating commercial advertisements. The research shows that commercial advertising translation has its own language features and expressions, but highlighting emotional transmission function makes advertising interiorize consumers’ hearts, stimulates consumers’ enthusiasm and desire to buy, thus it results in purchasing behaviors and manufacturers achieve the purpose of goods promotion. Key words: commercial advertisement translation; emotional transmission; transmission barriers
摘要:本文通过情感传递的因素研究了商业广告的翻译原则。文章以一些知名广告为例子重点讨论了英汉广告翻译中的情感传递障碍,并进一步提出了商业广告的翻译原则,以达到“以情传意”的目的。在商业广告翻译中应从广告的立意、出发点、文字处理和消费者心理过程这四个方面来传递情感。研究结果表明,商业广告翻译具备其自身的语言特点和表达风格,但是突出情感传递功能更可以使广告深入消费者内心,激发消费者的购买欲望,导致购买行为,达到商品促销的目的。 关键字:商业广告翻译;情感传递;传递障碍 |
论文资料贡献者对本文的描述:The present work deals mainly with translation principles of commercial advertisements. The problem to be discussed in this thesis is related closely to emotional transmission. The renowned translator believed that translating means communic...... |