
资料分类:英语论文 高级会员(暗恋我吧)提供原创英语毕业论文资料更新时间:2016-10-17
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Abstract:The Story of the Stone is a world-famous masterpiece and it has attracted countless readers all over the world since its publication. The Story of the Stone is a novel which consists of 120 chapters. Each chapter has its own title, that is, the short summary of the content of the chapter. In many Chinese original chapter novels, chapter titles are always written in the form of couplet, so it is very difficult for translators to translate them exactly and vividly. Confronting with such difficult task, different translators used different strategies to fulfill this demanding task. In David Hawkes’s translated version of The Story of the Stone, he used vividly and perfectly the principle of creative treason to translate chapter titles of The Story of the Stone. This paper mainly discusses the factors influencing the application of creative treason and methods of applying creative treason.

Key Words: The Story of the Stone; chapter titles; David Hawkes; creative treason;translation




论文资料贡献者对本文的描述:The Story of the Stone is a chapter novel, which means that it is divided into chapters with their own titles. This kind of title serves as a sub-title, and actually it is a short summary of the whole content of the chapter. ......