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资料分类:英语论文 高级会员(yuekuang)提供原创英语毕业论文资料更新时间:2016-12-14
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Abstract: Political Vocabulary with Chinese Characteristics (hereinafter referred to as PVCC) are the words reflecting Chinese political system in form of governmental institution names, policies, and political slogans which come into being when the party and government are dealing with domestic and diplomatic affairs. Among the many translational theories, Functional Translation Theory refers to the theory that takes the audience as the center and makes the target language and the source language in line with each other in meaning and structure through a variety of methods with emphasis on the skopos of translation. Based on the analysis of Skopostheorie and Function plus Loyalty Principle, and through specific examples, this paper concludes three translation methods of PVCC: literal translation, literal translation plus interpretation and free translation, all to perfect the translation of PVCC.

Key words: Functional Translation Theory; Political Vocabulary with Chinese Characteristic; translation method



关键词:功能翻译理论; 中国特色政治词汇; 翻译方法

论文资料贡献者对本文的描述:Yang Quanhong believes that Political Vocabulary with Chinese Characteristics are the political words that come into being when the party and government are dealing with domestic and diplomatic affairs, and meanwhile are difficult to be unde......