
资料分类:英语论文 高级会员(周老大)提供原创英语毕业论文资料更新时间:2016-03-26
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Abstract:As the rapid development of Chinese cosmetic industry in recent years, cosmetic chain store has become an increasingly favorable business concept embraced by numerous investors and entrepreneurs. For most of them, it’s a path heading to success through which they can achieve a long-term development. Undoubtedly Watsons is one of them, and definitely the most successful one. Ni Fan, senior director of China eCapital once made the following remarks, “The secret of Watsons’s success lies in the specialty and proficiency of its strategies. It is such a simple reason that hardly anybody would believe.” 

This thesis is divided into 5 parts; Part One: the status quo of the domestic cosmetic industry; Part Two: the history of Watsons; Part Three: the marketing strategy of Watsons in marketing positioning, products, sales channel, pricing, store management, promotion, etc. Part Four: brand building; Part Five: the future development trend; Part Six: conclusion.

Personally, I think by studying the standardized, scientific, and professional business philosophy of Watsons, we can have a better understanding of what a successful marketing should involve. This is crucial to a Business English major and other enterprises within the industry.

Key words: Watsons, cosmetic chain stores, marketing


Table of Contents



1.- The status quo of the domestic-cosmetic chain stores  1

1.1. The current situation of domestic cosmetic industry.1

1.2. The development of chain store.2

1.3. The development of speciality stores in China3

2.-History of Watsons 4

3.-The marketing strategy of Watsons  5

3.1-Target customers-5

3.2-Products strategy-7

3.3-Sales channel- 9

3.4-Pricing strategy-10

3.5-VAS management-11

3.6-Sales promotion-12

4.-Brand building.15

5.-Development tendency  16


