
资料分类:英语论文 高级会员(papa)提供原创英语毕业论文资料更新时间:2016-04-26
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Abstract:Classical novel A Dream of Red Mansions, as the greatest literary masterpiece of Chinese chapter novels, has been praised as a treasure house of Chinese culture. The chapter titles of the novel, which summarize the content of each chapter, are the essence of that chapter. Every title is strict antithesis and well worth studying. Along with the rapid development of China, there will be more and more opportunities for cultural exchanges between China and the western countries. Chinese classical novels, as an important carrier, certainly will contribute a lot to the transmission of Chinese culture. Therefore, in terms of the translation of chapter novels, in order to make the novels well appreciated by the target language readers, translators need to be loyal in conveying the characteristics of the original language and meanwhile make the translation authentic and understandable to foreign readers. How to accomplish this conversion has become an important research topic. The thesis takes the chapter titles in A Dream of Red Mansions and its translated versions as an object of study, and aims to discuss translation skills from the perspective of Functional Equivalence Theory. 


Keywords: chapter titles in A Dream of Red Mansions; translation skills; Functional Equivalence Theory





Chapter 1 Introduction-1

Chapter 2 Functional Equivalence Theory-3

2.1 Content Verses Form-3

2.2 Closest Natural Equivalence Between Target and Source Language-3

2.3 Redeptors’ Response-4

Chapter 3 Features of Chapter Titles in A Dream of Red Mansions-5

3.1 Beauty in Rhythm-5

3.2 Antithesis in Structure-5

3.3 Carefulness in Diction-6

3.4 Use of Idioms and Allusions-6

3.5 Use of Rhetorical Devices-6

Chapter 4 Functional Equivalence in Translation of Chapter Titles-9

4.1 Translation of Rhythmical Sounds and Antithetical Structures-9

4.2 Translation of Rhetorical Devices-10

4.3 Translation of Idioms and Allusions-10

Chapter 5 Conclusion-13


