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Chapter One Introduction-1

Chapter Two Metaphor in Films and TV Plays-3

2.1 Language in Films and TV Plays and Culture-3

2.2 Metaphor-3

2.3 The Cultural Connotations of Metaphors in Films and TV Plays-4

2.3.1 Metaphors Reflecting Native Socio-historical Backgrounds-5

2.3.2 Metaphors Reflecting Local Customs and Habits-5

2.3.3 Metaphors Reflecting Religious, Legendary and Mythological Origins-5

2.3.4 Metaphors Reflecting People’s Daily Life-6

Chapter Three Relevance Theory and Skills of Metaphor Translation in Film and TV Plays-7

3.1 Relevance Theory and Translation-7

3.1.1 Relevance Theory-7

3.1.2 Relevance Theory Applied in Metaphor Translation in Films and TV Plays-7

3.2 Metaphor Translation Skills-9

3.2.1 Metaphor to Metaphor-9

3.2.2 Metaphor to Simile-10

3.2.3 Metaphor to Non-metaphor-12

Chapter Four Conclusion-14


论文资料贡献者对本文的描述:主要是在Sperber 和Wilson提出的关联理论指导下对影视语言中隐喻的翻译进行研究,旨在寻求根据关联理论,在影视语言的翻译过程中,应该采取何种翻译策略才能获得影视语言中隐喻译文......