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Abstract:Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875), the Danish poet and writer, is well-known to the world for his fairy tales. Fairy tales by Andersen is a magnum opus of children’s literature. The Little Mermaid, published in 1837, is the most popular fairy tale by Andersen about a young mermaid willing to give up her life in the sea and her identity as a mermaid to gain a human soul and the love of a human prince. The writer stands on female self-worth, analyzing the story. In The Little Mermaid, Andersen gave the female characters the utmost respect and freedom. He depicted brave and self-independent women characters that pursued their self-worth. As a male writer, Hans Christian Andersen showed his sympathy to the women, but he could not get rid of the constraint of patriarchy society. The little mermaid became the victim of patriarchy. Through the analysis of the full story, people can learn what is hidden in this tragic love story is the theme of “human”. Having a “soul” is a symbol of a highest-grade of animal human. The mermaid enters the mankind society to pursue the “soul” by the way of sacrificing her life. But as a human being, where is our soul? The phenomenon of the absence of humanity, the corruption of morals, the erosion of humanistic spirit, the confusion of bisexual affection is going to get worse. We have higher income, but fewer morals. It is hoped that the results of the present study can touch and revive the soul of our people and social morality. Key Words: Andersen; The Little Mermaid; the little mermaid princess; female self-worth
摘要:安徒生(1805-1875)是世界上伟大的文学天才,安徒生童话是世界儿童文学的巨著。《海的女儿》是安徒生童话宝库中的珠玑,是最脍炙人口的名篇。本文从女性自我价值视角分析《海的女儿》,人鱼通过进入被誉为“上层世界”的人类世界,从而获得不灭的灵魂。安徒生实际上是在讨论妇女如何寻找自身价值的问题,体现了安徒生对女性命运的关注与思考,但安徒生作为一个男性写作者,却摆脱不了父权制下的现实社会的牵制,而小人鱼最终成为了父权制社会的受害者。 最后,通过对全文的分析,揭示其当下悲剧价值。隐藏在这个具有沉重悲剧性的爱情故事后面的主题思想是:“人”。在《海的女儿》中,作为一个高等动物的标志是有一个“不灭的灵魂”,小人鱼公主所追求的就是进入“人”的领域,成为高等动物,因而愿意牺牲一切来获得这个不灭的灵魂;然而,已经具有高级动物人的本身,“灵魂”何在?本文最后立足于当今社会人们情感迷乱、心态浮躁、人性缺失,道德沦丧等问题,希望能引起读者的反思与触动,苏醒人心与社会道德。 关键词:安徒生;《海的女儿》;小人鱼;女性自我价值
论文资料贡献者对本文的描述:Through the analysis of the full story, people can learn what is hidden in this tragic love story is the theme of “human”. Having a “soul” is a symbol of a highest-grade of animal human. The mermaid enters the mankind society to purs...... |