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Abstract:A Rose for Emily, a very famous short novel which is set in the town of Jefferson in his imaginary Yoknapatawpha County. Emily is the major character, who as the symbol of a tradition and value which imply the contrast between her insistence of the old tradition and resistance of the new things. Regarding to Soldiers’ Pay, this is his first novel which is a story of a wounded veteran’s homecoming. It follows the lives of three soldiers and the impact of their return from the war on the people, especially the women. In these two novels, women play a vital role. Therefore, this paper analyzes three female images from them, including Emily, Cecily and Emmy who have different personality and perceptions of love. In these years, many critics argue about his female attitude: Is he a thorough misogynist or does he feel some admiration and sympathy for these women? In the paper, the analysis of three female images and the southern traditional culture show that the Faulkner’s female attitude is a kind of ambivalent and complicated one. Key words: William Faulkner; A Rose for Emily; Soldiers’ Pay; Female image; Patriarchy
摘要:《献给艾米丽的玫瑰》是福克纳最负盛名的短篇小说。小说的故事发生在美国南北战争后的南方小镇—杰斐逊镇,勾勒了艾米丽的一生,预言了南方注定没落的命运。《士兵的报酬》是他的第一部长篇小说,是一部以第一次世界大战后中一个重返故里的士兵在遭遇战争折磨和家庭变化之后的痛苦心情为题材的小说。女性是这两部作品的亮点和要点。本文从两部作品中选取了三位女性形象,分别是艾米丽,塞西莉,埃米,从她们的个性特点,爱情观进行分析,从而把握福克纳塑造女性形象的特点,展示其所体现的女性观。多年来,评论家在福克纳女性观上颇有分歧,有的人认为他具有“厌女症”,有的人认为他是爱慕女性的。通过对艾米丽,塞西莉,埃米的分析,结合福克纳的个人经历以及南方传统文化,可以知道,深受南方文化影响的他,对女性的爱是既欣赏又蔑视的矛盾态度。 关键词: 威廉·福克纳;《给艾米丽的玫瑰》;《士兵的的报酬》;女性形象;父权制
论文资料贡献者对本文的描述:A Rose for Emily, a very famous short novel which is set in the town of Jefferson in his imaginary Yoknapatawpha County. Emily is the major character, who as the symbol of a tradition and value which imply the contrast between her insistence...... |