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Abstract:When it comes to the topic that what caused the different attitudes towards household savings in China and in America, ideas vary from scholars at home or abroad. Most of them conclude it in different economic developments or different social systems. Therefore, this dissertation attempts to explain the reasons from cultural diversity, different social security system and financial system. This dissertation first introduces the general situation on household saving between China and America. Then it analyzes the reasons from three aspects: the cultural diversity, the social security system and the financial credit system. Under the influenced of Confucian culture- thrift, Chinese were told to be frugal from generation to generation, so they enjoy saving. On the contrary, the Americans prefer to invest. Besides, difference developments in economy also bring great influences on their different attitudes. For example, the social security system and the financial credit system. Both of the social security system and the financial credit system in China lagged far behind America. As a result, the Chinese must save for their future while the Americans are more willing to spend their tomorrow’s money. Key Words: household savings rate; Confucian culture; social security system; financial credit system
摘要:面对中美两国人民截然不同的储蓄观念,国内外的学者都有自己的看法。然而,他们普遍将造成中美两国居民储蓄观念不同的原因归结于经济发展程度的不同或者不同的社会制度。因此,本文试图从文化多样性,不同的社会保障制度以及金融信用体系三个方面进行分析。 本文首先大致介绍了中美两国普遍的国民储蓄情况。然后分别由文化背景,社会保障制度,以及金融信用体系差异三个方面进行分析。并且,进一步从最重要因素——文化的差异,分析造成中美居民对待储蓄态度不同的原因。在“儒文化-勤俭节约”的影响下,中国人将节俭的观念代代相传,因此他们乐于储蓄。相反,美国居民则更喜欢投资。除了以上的文化因素外,经济发展程度的不同也对居民储蓄率有着深远影响,例如:社会保障制度和金融信用体系。中国的社保制度和金融信用体系都远远落后于美国,因此,中国人不得不为未来储蓄而美国人则可以潇洒的挥霍明天。 关键词:居民储蓄率;儒文化;社会保障制度;金融体系
In conclusion, the reasons behind the different attitudes towards household savings between Chinese and Americans are complex. Through the analysis of the dissertation we can find that the different culture background distinguishes Chinese attitudes from Americans. Since we were grew up with the idea that we should be frugal in order to gain a good life. So we try to save if we have money. Moreover, home is another reason what we strive to save for. People believe the house could give them not only satisfaction but also a sense of security. However, what the American think is quite different with us. Because of their open culture, they advocate adventurism and pleasure seeking culture. They believe money can be made without saving. So they are crazy about investment. Besides the culture reasons, we need to take the social security system and the financial credit system into consideration either. Compared with America, China is a developing country; everything is in the initial stage. Either the social security system or the financial credit system in China is lagged far behind America. There is nothing to guarantee our lives, so we have no choice but to save.
论文资料贡献者对本文的描述:This dissertation first introduces the general situation on household saving between China and America. Then it analyzes the reasons from three aspects: the cultural diversity, the social security system and the financial credit system. Unde...... |