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Abstract:This paper is going to make an extensive study on Obama’s victory speech from mainly three layers—word-level statistics and analysis, sentence-level statistics and analysis and some unique characteristics displayed in the discourse. The author will adopt the method of quantative discourse analysis, or to use explicit statistics, charts and comparative figures to analyze the whole text with readers in order to achieve such effects as follows: first of all, to help readers get a better grasp of this speech discourse—the main content and theme the deliverer wants to convey. Then readers are supposed to understand how these effects are achieved and what tactics are employed in it. Last, a conclusion of the whole paper will be given and the significance of this analyzing method, which perfectly combines liberal arts with a relatively scientific thinking method, will be discussed. Key Words: Discourse Analysis, Quantative Analysis, Statistics, Significance
摘要:本文将主要从三个层次对美国总统奥巴马的获胜演讲进行分析,包括词句方面的分析,本演讲稿的特点展现以及奥巴马本人生平对其演讲稿的影响。本文将主要采用定量分析的方法即通过对此演讲稿数据的精确分析比较,让读者得出清晰的结果。首先,让读者对此演讲稿有一个更加深刻更加完善的了解,即其作者想要传达的主旨。其次,通过阅读本文,读者可以了解此演讲稿中运用的策率以及这些策率所达到的效果。 这样在今后自己的写作过程中必将有所收获。最后,本文还想着重强调此数据分析方法的重要性。它是一种将文理学科完美结合的分析方法,融入英文语篇分析以科学的数学统计方法,值得英语学习者的关注。 关键词:语篇分析,定量分析,数据,意义
From all the discussions above, the first prize should be a deeper understanding of the victory speech. By adopting these three levels of analysis, namely, the word-level, sentence-level and some other unique characteristics displayed in the speech, we are now clear about his diction such as certain nouns and verbs and the function of each of them. Furthermore we are clear about the prevailing sentence patterns employed in it like imperative or short sentences and their respective effects. Also we are clear about some unique points related to Mr. Obama himself such as his origin and those relevant issues. Now we can fully understand why Obama has to present the speech in such a way and all the tactics used in it and more importantly, what kind of effects these tactics could achieve.
论文资料贡献者对本文的描述:This paper is going to make an extensive study on Obama’s victory speech from mainly three layers—word-level statistics and analysis, sentence-level statistics and analysis and some unique characteristics displayed in the discourse. The ...... |