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Abstract:Empathy can be defined as the quality of thinking on the position of the other people. Pragmatic Empathy can be defined as the quality of organizing utterances and understanding on the position of other people during communication. The theory of empathy has been studied in the field of Aesthetics, Psychology, and Linguistics. In China, He Ziran first adopts the concept of pragmatic empathy. Through study, this paper finds out the close relationship between Pragmatic Empathy and Pragmatic Principles. (CP&PP) On this basis, the author discovers the politeness strategy and the cooperative strategy that can play functions in English learning process. In the last chapter, this paper suggests some methods of developing empathy. It is finally revealed that, with motivation, a good knowledge of culture, and sensitivity to empathy, English learners can efficiently improve study and communicating skills. Key Words: Pragmatic Empathy, English learning, Cooperative Principle, Politeness Principle
摘要:所谓移情,就是设身处地从别人的角度看问题的一种意识和行为。移情的理论,在国外早就被运用在美学,心理学,语言学。语用移情指语言习得者将自己的感情完全融入到对方的社会文化中去,它要求语言学习者在掌握语言形式的同时必须熟悉目的语国家的文化,并将其作为交际的背景知识进行言语交际。在中国,语用移情的理论最早是由何自然教授提出。目前现有关于语用移情的理论鲜有从英语学习者的角度,将其有效运用于英语学习。本文经研究发现了语用移情与合作原则、礼貌原则的紧密联系。并在此基础上探讨了如何结合这两个原则将语用移情在英语学习中发挥作用。在最后一章中,作者研究了如何培养英语言学习者的语用移情能力;拥有对移情的动机及敏感度,再加上对本国、英语国家文化的认识,英语学习者可以有效地提高英语学习及英语沟通能力。 关键词: 语用移情,英语学习,合作原则,礼貌原则
To sum up, this thesis has investigated the pragmatic empathy and its application in English learning. Pragmatic empathy shares a great deal of overlap with pragmatic principles (PP and CP). Concluding from this rule, this paper offers the politeness strategy and the cooperative strategy to English learners. It is these two strategies that can be utilized by English learners in the English communication and the book study. After discussing the application and function of pragmatic empathy in English learning, this paper goes on to discover how to develop the pragmatic empathy. Pragmatic empathy is one aspect belonging to empathy, thus it is argued that developing pragmatic empathy mainly lies in developing the empathy, which can be realized with the improvement of English learners themselves. Based on the theories mentioned above, this paper finally concludes that pragmatic empathy is worth of application in English learning process and should be developed through improving English learners’ empathetic ability.
论文资料贡献者对本文的描述:Empathy can be defined as the quality of thinking on the position of the other people. Pragmatic Empathy can be defined as the quality of organizing utterances and understanding on the position of other people during communication. The theor...... |