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ABSTRACT:Little women is the most famous work of Louisa May Alcott. This is a family novel describing the happy life and their desires of the March family. Someone says it is novel about the history of the four sisters’ growth and development. The attraction of Little Women is that it represents four different kinds of girls and what they have done is quite similar to our daily life. There is no doubt that the four sisters have some shortcomings more or less, but it can not change their nature of being good and honest. 

   From the analysis of the book, we can see that it is the family education that leads to the four sisters’ different but nice personalities, which affect their outlooks of life, value and marriage. Family education is an important part in children’s growth. Here, I will analyze the effects of family education on personalities in two different aspects: family environment and family educational manner. Family environment lays a foundation for the development of the children and will affect their forming of personalities. And family educational manner is the main cause of the forming of personalities. This paper is to emphasize the important meaning of the family education and the great effects on the children’s personalities. 

  Family education takes up a large part of the novel Little Women. In the March family, we can see that Mrs. March is the main educator in her family. She directly has an influence on the development of the four sisters. And Mr. March, though absent for a long while, still uses his own way to educate his daughters, such as sending a letter to home to remind his daughters to work hard. But, here, we have to mention Meg, Jo and Hannah, they are the beneficial assistants of the family education and their endeavor to family education can not be ignored. 

Key words: Little Women; family education; personality; Louisa May Alcott







论文资料贡献者对本文的描述:Family education takes up a large part of the novel Little Women. In the March family, we can see that Mrs. March is the main educator in her family. She directly has an influence on the development of the four sisters. And Mr. March, though......