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资料分类:英语论文 高级会员(我的男朋友)提供原创英语毕业论文资料更新时间:2016-10-14
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Abstract:Hailed by Western critics as "the best novel in the 60s", Catch-22 by Joseph Heller, a famous American novelist, is a typical post-modernist work and a masterpiece for the genre of "black humor". The novel indirectly shows the ridiculous warfare and a desperate world, exposing the corrupt fact that the collusion exists between the bureaucracy and monopolistic capital and the crisis of faith people face in such a disordered state of spiritual condition. "Language games" and "absurd philosophy" are two main features in post-modernist literary works. This thesis analyzes the two characteristics represented in Catch-22. 

   Chapter One is the introduction to the main points and the structure of this thesis. It emphasizes on the contemporary criticisms from home and abroad, thus naturally presents the focus points of this thesis.

   Chapter Two provides some background information about Joseph Heller, plot of Catch-22, and the main features of post-modernist works.

   Chapter Three starts from the post-modernist language philosophy theory such as discourse theory and metafiction. Combined with Heller's bibliography and the background of the times, it describes the emerging background, foundation and application of "language game" and analyses three dimensions by using specific examples from Catch-22: word ambiguity, contradiction and paradox as well as non-continuity.

   Chapter Four devotes to the absurdity in the society and social psychology, and then respectively states the theme of the novel, characters and structure and explores social, political, religious as well as psychological aspects of the innuendo meaning of the novel, revealing the spiritual enlightenment and the revelation for contemporary social development. It allows readers to get a better understanding of the theme, the author's world view, the stylish structure and a variety of experimental art practices.

   Chapter Five describes the blending of "language games" and “absurd philosophy” in the novel. Interconnected with each other, they constitute the most important factors that represented the entire thrust of the novel.

  Finally, in the conclusion part, the above sections are summarized and further analysis of the practical significance of the work is presented.

Key words: Post-modernism, language games, absurd philosophy






论文资料贡献者对本文的描述:The novel indirectly shows the ridiculous warfare and a desperate world, exposing the corrupt fact that the collusion exists between the bureaucracy and monopolistic capital and the crisis of faith people face in such a disordered state of s......