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Abstract:The Scarlet Letter, a masterpiece by American famous writer Nathaniel Hawthorne in the 19th century, depicts the life in the New England during the colonial period. The plot develops around an unforgivable adultery in the eyes of the puritans at that time. The most touching part is the tragical love story between Hester Prynne and Arthur Dimmesdale.

The Thorn Birds is a novel written by contemporary Australian authoress, Colleen McCullough. After the publication of the novel in 1977, it caused a sensation. Under the depiction of the three generations of the Cleary family, through their life, love and death in Australia, the authoress vividly depicts the love story between Meggie and Ralph, who later becomes Cardinal.

   Against the different times and settings, they have similar moral: the contradiction between religious asceticism and the pursuit of love. Love is an eternal theme of human. When meeting the bondage of religion, it is a tragedy. Meanwhile, in the course of fighting against religion, love is greater. The two heroines, Hester and Meggie, show their fine quality: firm, independent and brave, against the coward and hypocrisy of their lovers, thus showing the rise of feminism. 

   The two works have similar themes and characters. This thesis attempts, on the one hand, to make a comparative analysis between the differences and similarities of the two novels from the angle of settings, social environment and the personalities of the heroes and heroines, and also to analyze there different attitudes when facing the contradiction between love and religion, thus discussing the rise of feminism and heroism on the female characters. On the other hand, it analyzes the reasons which cause the differences between the two works. 

Key Words: The Scarlet Letter,The Thorn Birds, religious asceticism,feminism, comparative analysis









论文资料贡献者对本文的描述:The Thorn Birds is a novel written by contemporary Australian authoress, Colleen McCullough. After the publication of the novel in 1977, it caused a sensation. Under the depiction of the three generations of the Cleary family, through their ......