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ABSTRACT:When people talk about coffee, they will remember Starbucks at the first time. What makes Starbucks become the shining star? What makes Starbucks boom in the market share? Many experts have come to the same answer - the successful branding marketing strategy. However, the message of the brand not only conveys the characteristics of commodities, but also stands for the value of its goods and position in the market. In short, it is a symbol of competitors’ qualities. In modern times,brand plays an important role as intangible asset in an enterprise,which has weighed more than other factors such as tangible asset, technology and human resources. To some extent, the modern enterprise competition has become a competition among brands. Therefore, whether an enterprise can own its brand and shape it into a strong one has became the standard for an enterprise running with sustainable competitive advantage. This thesis studies Starbucks branding marketing strategy mainly from four aspects: Starbucks Experiences, Word of Mouth, Ideology of Employ and Innovation realization which are based on investigation, lots of information and official statistics. The significance of this thesis lies in the hope that our domestic enterprises can draw the prime through the inspirations from the successful management way of Starbucks, and finally combine its character to find out the best way leading to a successful branding marketing strategy. Key Words: brand marketing strategy; Starbucks Experience; Word of Mouth; Ideology of Employ; Innovation realization; Crisis management; and Inspirations.
摘要:一谈起咖啡,相信很多人脑海中会第一时间浮现的是“星巴克”。是什么力量使星巴克能够成为咖啡品牌王国中无人不知无人不晓的“大腕”?是什么使星巴克的标记在全世界的版图上扩张?很多研究专家都一致认为这归功于它成功的品牌营销策略。 然而,一个品牌所传递的信息不仅仅只是商品的特征,更多的是代表其商品的价值及其市场定位,换言之就是竞争者素质的象征。现代社会,品牌作为企业巨大的无形资产,其重要性已超过资金、技术和人力资本等要素。从一定意义上来说,现代企业间的竞争已经成为品牌间的竞争。因此,企业能否培育出自有品牌,并将其塑造成强势品牌,己成为一个企业在市场上是否具有可持续核心竞争优势的重要标志。 本文通过实际调查研究,收集了大量的相关资料及数据并进行重组和对比,浅析了星巴克的品牌营销策略,主要从星巴克的体验文化,口碑营销,用人理念,创新意识以及危机管理等方面探讨了星巴克的成功之道。借以期望国内企业能从星巴克的品牌管理中得到启示,取其精华同时结合本企业自身的发展特点来调整和开扩自己的发展品牌道路。 关键词:品牌营销策略;星巴克的体验文化;口碑营销;用人理念;创新意识;危机管理;策略启示
论文资料贡献者对本文的描述:This thesis studies Starbucks branding marketing strategy mainly from four aspects: Starbucks Experiences, Word of Mouth, Ideology of Employ and Innovation realization which are based on investigation, lots of information and official statis...... |