从1884年陈季同揭橥第一部华人法语作品开端,华人法语文学的创作过程已有一个多世纪,跟着九十年月以来它一再摘下东方文学奖项,特别是程抱一当选法兰西学院院士,它在国际也备受存眷,跟着各类引见和访谈的年夜量出现,对文本的解读和作家思惟的略论也日趋深刻。与此同时,国际出书社也将眼光投注到这个富有远景的范畴,很多华人法语创作被译介到国际。从八九十年月的零碎译介到新世纪以来的译介小热潮,愈来愈多的华人法语创作与国际读者会晤,而译介所触及的题材也加倍普遍。因为华人法语文学自己的奇特性,在译介的进程中也出现出一些值得存眷的特色:一些华人法语创作在读者的接收上所遭受的中西反差,文学奖项对译介的显作品用和作者精晓两种说话,却常常选择让别人来翻译本身著作的这一广泛景象。与对华人法语文学的文本解读与作者思惟的略论比拟较,国际过该文学的译介研究尚显缺乏。本文试图年夜致梳理华人法语文学从上世纪八九十年月以来在国际的译介概略,并在此基本上剖析与归结该译介运动的特色,和发生这些特色的本源。论文分为三个部门,第一章为对华人法语文学的引见。起首论文将指出华人法语文学的内在及定位,并对该文学在法国的成长做一个回溯。第二章将起首年夜致引见华人法语文学在国际的研究现状,然后对华人法语文学在国际译介的过程停止梳理和归结,论文将依据译介的著作数目和特色分为八九十年月和2000年以后两个时代睁开阐述。基于该文学的特别性和对译介进程的梳理,论文将探访它在译介中所表示出的三个特色及其这些特色的内涵本源。论文的最初一章将对华人法语文学在国际译介这一文学景象的意义停止探访,并在结语中对全文停止一个归结和总结。 Abstract: From 1884 Chen Ji with published the first Chinese French writings began uncovering, Chinese French literature creation process is more than a century, followed since the nineties it repeatedly pick Oriental literary awards, especially he was elected academician of the French Academy, it in the international has attracted a lot of concern, followed by all kinds of interview and introduce a large number of appear, analysis of text interpretation and the writer's thinking is becoming more and more profound. At the same time, the international publishing house will also look betting to the category of highly prospective, many Chinese French creation is translated into international. From 80 to 90 years piecemeal translation to since the beginning of the new century translation of small boom, an increasing number of Chinese French creation and international readers met, and touched by the translation subjects are becoming more common. Because Chinese French literature own peculiarity, in the process of translation also showed a some characteristics of concern: suffered by some Chinese French creation in the reader's reception and contrast, literary awards on the translation of significant effect and the fine Xiao two talk, but often choose to let others to translate the work itself of this broad picture. With the analysis on the French literature of the Chinese interpretation of the text and the author thought analogy is international the literature translation study is still lack. This paper attempts to Nianye combing Chinese French literature since 90 years of the last century in the translation brief, and on this basis analyzed and summed up the translation motion characteristics, and the origin of these features. This thesis is divided into three parts. The first chapter is the introduction of Chinese French literature. First of all, the paper will point out the inner and the orientation of Chinese French literature, and make a retrospective study of the literature in France. In the second chapter, we will first and foremost cause of the eve of the introduced Chinese French literature in international research present situation, then the Chinese French literature in the process of the translation stop sorted and concluded, the according to the translation to the number of entries and the characteristic points for 80 years and since 2000, two times to open this. Based on the literature of the special and the translation process of carding, this paper will visit it in the translation of the three characteristics and the characteristics of the origin and nature. The first chapter will the Chinese French literature in the significance of the translation of the literary scene stopped to visit and in the conclusion of the full text stop a resolution and summarized. 目录: 摘要 4-5 Abstract 5 Resume 6-9 Introduction 9-14 Chapitre Ⅰ La presentation de la litterature franco-chinoise 14-23 1.1 La definition de la litterature franco-chinoise 14-18 1.2 Apercu general de la litterature franco-chinoise 18-23 1.2.1 Le debut de la litterature franco-chinoise 18-20 1.2.2 Le developpement de la litterature franco-chinoise apres la Revolution culturelle 20-23 Chapitre Ⅱ La traduction et I'introduction de la litterature franco-chinoise en Chine 23-47 2.1 La recherche actuelle sur la litterature franco-chinoise en Chine 23-27 2.2 La traduction et l'introduction de la litterature franco-chinoise en Chine 27-38 2.2.1 La premiere periode:des annees 80 aux annees 90 27-31 2.2.2 La deuxieme periode:apres 2000 31-38 2.3 Les caracteristiques observees au cours de la traduction et l'introduction de la litteraturefranco-chinoise en Chine 38-47 2.3.1 Un contraste entre la reception des lecteurs francais et chinois 38-42 2.3.2 L'influence considerable des prix Iitteraires 42-44 2.3.3 Pourquoi l'auteur ne fait pas la traduction lui-meme ? 44-47 Chapitre Ⅲ L'importance de la traduction et de l'introduction de la litteraturefranco-chinoise en Chine 47-63 3.1 L'importance de la traduction et de l'introduction de la litterature franco-chinoise 47-56 3.1.1 Affirmation de la valeur litteraire, promotion de la communication culturelle 48-50 3.1.2 Reponse au patriotisme des ecrivains francais d'origine chinoise 50-53 3.1.3 L'image de la Chine sous le regard de double l'autre 53-56 3.2 Quelques problemes au cours de l'importation des ceuvres litteraires franco-chinoise 56-63 3.2.1 Un petit groupe de lecteurs chinois 56-58 3.2.2 La traduction et l'introduction sont loin d'etre systematiques et completes 58-63 Conclusion 63-65 Bibliographie 65-70 Remerciements 70 |