Acknowledgements 4-5 Abstract 5-6 摘要 7-9 Contents 9-11 Chapter One Introduction 11-15 1.1 A definition of context 11-12 1.2 The objectives of this thesis 12-13 1.3 Significance of the context study of the legislative language 13 1.4 Organization of this thesis 13-15 Chapter Two Overview of legislative language 15-23 2.1 Concepts of the legislative language 15-16 2.2 Overview of the research of the legislative language both home and abroad 16-19 2.2.1 Overview of the research of the legislative language at home 16-18 2.2.2 Overview of the legislative language study abroad 18-19 2.3 Characteristics of Legislative Language 19-23 2.3.1 Precision 19-20 2.3.2.Vagueness 20-23 Chapter Three Overview of the research on context 23-31 3.1 Overview of the research on context 23-27 3.1.1 Introduction of the research on context 23-24 3.1.2 Bronislaw Malinowski's period 24 3.1.3 J.R.Firth's period 24-26 3.1.4 M.A.K Halliday's contributions 26-27 3.2 The classification of the context both at home and abroad 27-28 3.2.1 J.R.Firth's classification 27 3.2.2 Lyons' classification of context 27 3.2.3 M.A.K.Halliday's classification 27-28 3.3 Classification of context at home 28-29 3.3.1 He Zhaoxiong's view 28 3.3.2 Chen Wangdao's view 28-29 3.3.3 Wang Jianping's view 29 3.4 Categorization of the context based on the study at home and abroad in the present paper 29-31 Chapter Four The impact of the context on legislative language 31-51 4.1 The impact of extra-linguistic context on the legislative language 31-39 4.1.1 The impact of the ways of thinking on legislative language 31-35 Hypotaxis vs.parataxis 32-34 Synthesis vs.analysis 34-35 4.1.2 The impact of social environment on legislative language 35-39 The impact of politics on legislative language 35-37 The impact of the modes of production on the legislative language 37-38 The impact of context of the economic system on legislative language 38-39 4.2 Impact of textual context on legislative language 39-51 4.2.1 Classifications of textual contexts 39-40 4.2.2 The impact of the field of discourse on legislative language 40-45 Field of discourse 40-41 The impact of the field of discourse on the transitivity system of legislative language 41-45 Material process 42-44 Relational processes 44-45 4.2.3 The impact of the tenor of discourse on legislative language 45-48 Concept of tenor of discourse 45-46 Impact of tenor of discourse on the mood system of legislative language 46-47 Impact of the tenor of discourse on the modality of legislative language 47-48 4.2.4 Mode of discourse and impact thereof on legislative language 48-51 Mode of discourse 48-49 The impact of the mode of discourse on legislative language 49-51 Chapter Five Conclusion 51-53 Bibliography 53-55 |