二十世纪七十年月以来,说话进修战略研究愈来愈遭到说话教授教养范畴研究者的存眷。本论文经由过程问卷情势对五所中国年夜学法语系各年级部门先生的进修战略停止了查询拜访,侧重懂得其运用元认知战略、认知战略及社会情绪战略的现状。查询拜访采取社会说话学定性研究措施,以部门中国粹生在法语进修中上述三类战略的运用为剖析对象,并借助电子表格按主题对换查成果停止比对剖析。剖析显示:被查询拜访者对元认知战略的运用稍优于认知战略,对后者的运用较为单一;对社会情绪战略有必定运用,但说话平安感缺少是其最年夜艰苦。优良法语进修者对上述进修战略的运用则显著有别于普通的进修者:该类进修者更多地运用社会情绪战略,其次为元认知战略,最初方为认知战略。在前文的基本上,论文联合本国传统文明及说话教授教养实际向更多法语进修者引见了一系列可效仿的有用进修战略并期盼将来更加深刻地研究进修战略选择与进修后果间的关系及进修战略教授教养。 Abstract: Since twentieth Century seventy years, the strategy of talking and learning strategy has been more and more attention to the study of the teaching category of speech. In this paper, through process questionnaire situation of five in China University majoring in French each grade department Mr. learning strategy to carry on the investigation, focus to understand the application status of metacognitive strategies, cognitive strategies and social emotional strategy. Inquires the visit to take social qualitative research methods in learning to speak, to Department of Chinese students in learning French in the three types of strategy application as the analysis object, and with the help of a spreadsheet by topic exchange investigation results to carry on the comparison analysis. Analysis showed that the application of metacognitive strategy is slightly better than cognitive strategy, and the latter is more single; it has certain application to social emotional strategy, but it is the most difficult to talk security. The application of excellent French learners to the learning strategies is significantly different from that of the general learners. This kind of learners are more applied to the social emotional strategy, and the second is the meta cognitive strategy. In the above basically, the United National Traditional Culture and speak teaching practice to more French learning who introduced a series of imitation useful learning strategy and look forward to future more deeply study learning strategy choice and learning outcomes of relationship and learning strategy teaching. 目录: 提要 4 法文摘要 5-8 Introduction 8-12 Ⅰ. Pourquoi choisissons-nous ce sujet? 12-20 A.Theories a propos des strategies d'apprentissage 12-17 1. Pensees chinoises traditionnelles 12-13 2. Notion destrategiedans les recherches occidentales 13-14 3. Sources essentielles de notre recherche 14-15 4. Recherche en Chine 15-17 B.Motivation scientifique 17-18 1. Quelle place cette recherche occupera-t-elle? 17 2. Des transpositions reciproques des modeles chinois et occidental sont-elles possibles? 17-18 C.Motivation sociale:a quoi sert cette recherche? 18-20 Ⅱ. Methodologies et traitement detaille des reponses 20-46 A.Presentation methodologique 20-25 1. Enquete de terrain 20-21 2. Contenu du questionnaire: 21-23 3. Type d'enquete choisi et termes utilises 23-24 4. Outils d'analyse 24-25 B.Processus de l'enquete 25-30 1. Le public de l'enquete 25-27 2. Chronologie et deroulement 27-28 3. Problemes de l'enquete 28-30 C.Traitement detaille des reponses aux questions ouvertes 30-46 1. Utilisation des strategies metacognitives: 30-38 2. Utilisation des strategies cognitives 38-44 3. Utilisation des strategies socio-affectives 44-46 Ⅲ. Analyse micro-sociolinguistique et synthese 46-69 A.Analyse comparative par theme sur l'utilisation des strategies differentes 46-60 1. A propos des strategies metacognitives 46-51 2. A propos des strategies cognitives 51-56 3. A propos des strategies socio-affectives 56-60 B.Strategies desbonsapprenants 60-65 C.Marques culturelles dans l'ensemble des strategies pratiquees 65-66 D.Propositions des strategies 66-69 Conclusion 69-71 Notes 71-76 Bibliographie 76-78 Sitographie 78-79 Annexe 1:Questionnaire 79-82 Annexe 2:Liste des universites enseignant le francais commespecialite 82-83 |