
资料分类免费法语论文 责任编辑:黄豆豆更新时间:2017-05-08


In ancient Chinese, the "V/ good" structure is complex, the semantic dexterity, the use of universal. Grammar of verb "V/" is still a lack of system of profound research topics. In future relative study basically, this paper on the pattern of the semantic properties and syntactic functions do evaluation system, through the process of "good" in the usage of the verb after the analysis, attempts to describe a "good" grammaticalization and motivation of grammaticalization of "good" to make. This paper discuss the resultative verb "V/" syntactic and semantic attributes, and "good" in the grammaticalization of verbs. In addition to the introduction and conclusion, the main body of the four sections of the 1 sections of the review debate, "V/ good" syntax properties. Based on the previous research results, examination of the "V" acted as an important syntactic constituents, to discuss the object before the adverbial and syncope after application of discipline, analysis of the "V" and "" now. 2, "V/ good" semantic properties. The specific analysis of the "V" in "good" semantic direction, the "V" is divided into "perfect", "achievement" "completed" three categories, and sums up three types of "V" fine semantic distinctions, and to examine the the pattern of verb selection case, that verbs of medium shall have [/] for [independent], [/ completion] semantic features. 3, "V/ good" of the process of grammar. From the examination of ancient Chinese language assessment in "good" start in the practical application of V, examination of the "good" in V by ordinary notional verb evolution for quasi "tag of grammaticalization, and from the syntactic status change, double syllable prosodic integration, metonymy cognitive extension, facing a" good "grammar of motives are compared objectively. 4, the comparative study of the coherent structure. "V", "V" can act the initiatives stop, however change actually not freedom, investigate its reason, both form a slight differences in semantic constraints, there are pragmatic identity effects. The characteristics and innovation important said in three aspects: A, the verb in "V" stopped quantitative and qualitative analysis, and strive to through the process of detailed data to assess into the pattern of the verb features and don't, and draws the conclusion that more scientific and authentic. B and materials in the past of "V" analysis to discuss little touches to the "good" false results. In this paper, through the process of "good" in the usage of verbs and attempts to describe the process of grammaticalization of "good" and make reasonable cause. C, with semantic characteristics as the breakthrough point, check the "V/ good" and similar pattern "V/ finished" the difference. The results of this study will be of significance to the teaching of Chinese and computer information processing.

