写作是对一小我说话才能的综合表现与磨练,而对外语进修者来讲其难度和主要性更加外语界所公认。毛病剖析一向以来都是二语及外语写作研究的主要手腕之一。基于写作的进修者毛病研究有助于摸索中介语系统特点和说话习得纪律,丰硕二语习得实际成长,对迷信指点说话教授教养任务具有积极感化。国际对于汉英中介语写作毛病研究的结果异常丰硕,而汉法中介语的相干研究却绝对较少。鉴于此,本研究在毛病剖析实际和中介语实际的框架下,采取定性和定量相联合的办法,对法语系本科生在写作中的毛病停止了较为周全的查询拜访和剖析,目标在于体系出现汉法中介语写作中涌现的毛病领域和毛病散布情形,说明招致毛病发生的缘由,并在研究成果的基本上提出相干教授教养建议和办法。本研究不只对现有外语教授教养实际研究内容起到了一个弥补和推动的感化,对法语系教授教养理论也有很强的实际指点意义。本论文数据起源于研究者自己对河北年夜学法语系2、三年级本科生安排的写作义务、问卷查询拜访和和查询拜访对象所停止的访谈。数据剖析注解,语法毛病和辞汇毛病在各项毛病中所占比重最年夜。语际搅扰、语内搅扰和战略选用欠妥是招致法语写作毛病的重要缘由语际毛病由汉语和英语的负迁徙形成;语内毛病因为进修者过度泛化某些目标语规矩而惹起;进修者战略的选择能否适当也会在必定水平上作用法语写作的质量。全文共分为五部门。第一章引言部门引见课题起源、研究意义和目标和文章的整体框架。第二章引见毛病剖析实际和中介语实际并对汉外中介语写作毛病范畴的研究现状停止综述。第三章引见研究设计和办法,包含研究成绩、研究对象、研究对象和数据搜集与剖析的办法和进程。第四章环绕研究成绩对所搜集的各类数据停止过细的剖析与评论辩论。第五章结语部门归纳综合本研究的重要结论和对法语系教授教养的启发,最初指出本研究的局限性和对将来研究的建议。 Abstract: Writing is a comprehensive performance and speak to a person to hone, and for foreign language learners in terms of their difficulty and more generally accepted foreign language major. Fault analysis has always been one of the main two language and foreign language writing wrist research. Based on the study of learners with writing helps to explore the interlanguage features and speak two language acquisition acquisition discipline, rich actual growth, has a positive effect on the teaching task of pointing to superstition. The international of Chinese English interlanguage writing problem research and relevant research are great, their interlanguage is definitely less. In view of this, the research on the wrong analysis theory and Interlanguage practical framework, to take qualitative and quantitative, the United way, the French majors in writing problems stopped a more comprehensive investigation and analysis, the goal lies in system appears to emerge from the French interlanguage writing problem areas and problems spread that reason lead to malfunction, and the research achievements on the basis of the coherent teaching suggestions and measures. This study not only on the existing foreign language teaching practice research content plays a promoting role and make up, also has the very strong practical guidance for Professor of French professional cultivation theory. In this paper, the data origin to research their 2, third grade students at Hebei University majoring in French arrangement duty of writing, questionnaire inquiries visit and investigation interview object. Data analysis notes, grammar mistakes and lexical problems for various problems in the largest proportion. Interlingual interference, intralingual interference and strategic selection of defect is caused defects in French writing is an important reason for the interlingual fault formed by Chinese and English negative transfer; language problems because learners over generalization of some target language rules and cause; learning strategy choice whether appropriate will in a certain extent of French writing quality. The full text is divided into five departments. The overall framework of the first chapter is introduction introduces the origin, significance of research research departments and target and the. The second chapter introduces the research situation of actual fault analysis and Interlanguage and the actual Chinese interlanguage writing with category overview. The third chapter introduces the research design and methods, including research achievements, research object, research object and data collection and analysis methods and process. The fourth chapter research achievement analysis and discussion around or on various types of data collected by stop. The fifth chapter summarized the important conclusions of this comprehensive research department and professor of French professional education inspiration, first pointed out the limitations of this study and future research suggestions. 目录: |