在美术成长史中,版画以一种特别的艺术情势和创作办法有别于其他绘画品种。诟谇木刻是版画范畴内凸版画的传统代表。他因明快的诟谇灰关系和纯真的制造手段被宽大大众所爱好,本文以诟谇木刻的“具象人物外型”与“刀法说话”的关系为线索,来研究和归结笔者对诟谇木刻的成长汗青及创作进程,并对创作进程中涌现的成绩加以解释息争释。本文起首概述了版画及诟谇木刻的特色,剖析版画的分类及制造技法,侧重的论述了诟谇木刻的“刀味”和刀法组织的情势轨则;从而引出对“具象人物外型”的研究与摸索,运用年夜量的论证解释若何选择外型及若何归结人物外型,并经由过程外型说话表达人物的精力内在。对“刀法说话”的研究多为例证剖析。概述了“刀法”的界说,“刀法”的组织变更是若何转达形体的,若何表现出形体中诟谇灰的变更,最初,将“具象人物外型”与“刀法说话”联合在一路,论述了刀法说话情势的内在形状表示与内涵精力表现。经由过程刀法说话的组织变更表达出人物的精力与情绪,联合艺术成长的时期性及科技、文明、审美的时期配景,冲破传统对刀法的约束强调刀法的绝对自力性,经由过程自我对情势与技法的剖析懂得,运用年夜量的例据论证二者之间的关系。在全文中对版画的制造进程提出自我奇特的看法,并做出深条理的剖析,以冲破对诟谇木刻中“情势”与“刀法”的传统措施的懂得。 Abstract: In the history of the development of art, prints are different from other kinds of painting in the form of a special art form and creation method. The black and white woodcut prints is a traditional representative within the scope of convex prints. He Hetuvidya fast black and white grey relation and pure manufacturing means is wide public interest, this paper to black and white woodcut "concrete character appearance" and "blade speak" as a clue, research and the author attributed to black and white woodcut development history and the creative process and achievement of creation in the process of the emergence of be interpreted information release. Prints and black and white woodcut of this paper outlines the characteristics, analysis of print classification and manufacturing techniques, emphasis discusses the situation of black and white woodcut knife flavor and blade tissue rail is; which leads to of "concrete character appearance" of research and exploration, demonstration of the use of large explain how to select the appearance and how attributed character modelling, and through appearance speaking characters within the energy. The research method of speaking "for example analysis. Provides an overview of the definition of the "blade" and "blade" organizational change is how to convey the form, how to the changes in the form of black and white ash. Initially, the "figurative character appearance" and "blade speak" united in a way, discusses the inherent shape of the blade language forms of representation and connotation of energy. Through the process of blade to speak of organizational change expression of a character's energy and emotions, art joint growth period and science and technology, culture, aesthetic period background, breaking the traditional constraints on blade on blade absolute independence, through the process of self of the situation and techniques section analysis to understand and use of large amount of cases according to the relation between the argument between the two. In this paper to print the manufacturing process puts forward unusual self view, and make a deep analysis, in order to break through the traditional method of black and white woodcut "situation" and "blade" know. 目录: 中文摘要 8-9 ABSTRACT 9 引言 10-11 第一章 版画概述 11-13 1.1 版画简介 11 1.2 黑白木刻简述 11-13 第二章 “具象人物造型”的探讨与探究 13-18 2.1 具象人物造型与审美情感的关系 13-15 2.2 具象人物造型的形式美探讨 15-18 2.2.1 具象人物造型中题材的选择 15 2.2.2 具象人物造型中表象形式的差异 15-16 2.2.3 具象人物造型中边缘线的归纳统一略论 16-18 第三章 刀法语言形式的探讨与探究 18-24 3.1 黑白木刻中刀法语言的重要性 18 3.2 黑白木刻中刀法的变化 18-20 3.2.1 复制木刻阶段 19 3.2.2 创作木刻阶段 19-20 3.3 黑白木刻中刀法的组织 20-24 3.3.1 刀法组织与著作精神内涵的关系 21 3.3.2 刀法组织与构图的关系 21-22 3.3.3 刀法组织与黑白灰变化的关系 22-24 第四章 刀法语言与具象人物造型的关系 24-31 4.1 刀法语言与绘制画稿的关系 24-25 4.2 刀法语言与具象人物造型的形态关系 25-28 4.2.1 刀法语言与“具象人物造型”的外在形式的关系 26 4.2.2 刀法语言与具象人物造型的内在情感关系 26-28 4.3 刀法语言、题材与内涵的统一 28-29 4.4 著作略论 29-31 结语 31-33 1 总结 31 2 对近况略论及看法 31-33 参考文献 33-35 发表文章目录 35-36 致谢 36-37 |