话语是说话的完成情势,话语从外面上看是一种小我行动,没有显著纪律,而不像说话那样是个周密的体系,具有很强的社会属性。但是各类类型的话语的发生,流传和接收是由一系列的政治经济社会配景配合决议的,它反应了分歧的认识形状的抵触,成为权利奋斗的场合。是以话语其实不是一种纯洁的小我的无纪律的景象,作为说话理论,它也是一种社会理论,对话语停止批驳剖析有助于略论话语和社会的关系。剖析案例由18篇对于2010年中国引导人到法国停止国是拜访的消息报导构成。我们从辞汇学,修辞学,语法等角度停止初步剖析,法语论文范文,总结出法语消息的体裁特点,如题目短小精干,重视韵律等。经由过程深刻的比较剖析,发明分歧媒体对报导的事宜有分歧的立场。为了提醒文本与社会配景的接洽,我们从三个层面剖析消息报导的配景,包含该话语发生的即时配景,即国是拜访的配景,轨制性的配景,包含消息话语的社会属性,法国的消息轨制和媒体行业,和全局性的社会情况,例如媒体与寡头的关系,媒体与受众的关系。由此得出消息话语起首是消息机构的表达,同时遭到其他的政治社会身分的作用。话语是由社会配景的各类身分决议的,反过去,它对构建社会也有积极的感化,如构建社会身份和社会关系等。 Abstract: Discourse is the completion of the situation, the words from the outside to see is a small action, there is no significant discipline, rather than speaking as a thorough system, has a strong social attributes. However, the occurrence of various types of discourse, spread and reception by a series of political and economic society with the resolution of the scene, it reflects the differences in the shape of the conflict, the right to struggle. Is to discourse in fact no discipline, the scene is not a pure ego, as speech theory. It is also a kind of social theory, discourse stop criticism analysis is helpful to the relationship between discourse analysis and social. Analysis of the case from the 18 chapter on the 2010 Chinese leaders to France to stop the country is a visit to the news report. From the perspective of rhetoric, rhetoric, grammar and other aspects of the preliminary analysis, summed up the characteristics of the genre of French news, such as short title, emphasis on rhythm and so on. Through a deep comparative analysis, the differences between the media and the media are divided on the issue of the position. To remind the text and social context of the contact, we analyze the news reports from the three aspects of the scene, including the occurrence of instant king, that the country is to visit the king, the track system of the king, the social attributes of the news discourse, the French news and media industry, and the overall situation of social situations, such as the relationship between the media and the audience, the media and the audience relationship. It is concluded that news discourse is the expression of the news agency, and it has been influenced by other political and social factors. Discourse is composed of the social context of the various factors of the resolution, the past, it has a positive impact on the construction of the community, such as the construction of social identity and social relations, etc.. 目录: Remerciements 4-5 摘要 5 Résumé 6-9 Introduction 9-11 ChapitreⅠ Cadre théorique 11-25 1.1 Epistémologie du discours 11-13 1.1.1 Définition du discours 11-12 1.1.2 Discours : pratique langagière et pratique sociale 12-13 1.2 Discours, idéologie, pouvoir 13-17 1.2.1 Discours et idéologie 13-15 1.2.2 Discours et pouvoir 15-17 1.3 Méthodologie 17-23 1.3.1 Approche lexicologique 17-18 1.3.2 Approche énonciative 18-21 1.3.3 Approche sociologique 21-23 1.4 Difficultés et défauts 23-25 Chapitre Ⅱ Analyse linguistique des reportages fran ais sur la visite du président chinois en France 25-45 2.1 Style journalistique du fran ais 25-31 2.1.1 Titres 26-27 2.1.2 Textes 27-31 2.2 Analyse comparative des reportages des trois hebdomadaires 31-45 2.2.1 Synthèse des reportages 31-34 2.2.2 Descriptions ou jugements d’un même fait 34-39 2.2.3 Enoncés rapportés 39-45 Chapitre Ⅲ Texte et contexte 45-61 3.1 Contexte social des reportages 45-57 3.1.1 Le discours journalistique est l’expression des organes de presse 45-51 3.1.2 Analyse du contexte de l’événement 51-57 3.2 R le constitutif du discours journalistique 57-61 3.2.1 Construction des identités sociales 57-58 3.2.2 Construction des relations sociales 58-59 3.2.3 Construction du système de connaissances et du monde imaginaire 59-61 Conclusion 61-63 Bibliographies 63-65 Annexe 65-86 |