
资料分类免费法语论文 责任编辑:黄豆豆更新时间:2017-05-08


Paris is the most famous civilized city in the world. What makes Paris in the hearts of every one of us will leave a space for one person even infinite longing? Eiffel Tower, Le Louvre Museum, Triumphal Arch, Notre Dame de Paris, the Church of the sacred heart? So the sun left the scenery?...... As if it is difficult to use a few words to describe the Paris in their own minds of the impression. Differences in Berlin's heavy, Rome's vicissitudes of life, romantic, elegant is the most people give Paris most of the evaluation. To support the impression and evaluation of those seemingly boundless drift? It is the city itself. First of all it is a long history of let it appear to the world; followed by the update ceaselessly and full of vitality; again is career people in medium, because of the people, the city truly alive and in ability in the eyes of others see a real, flesh and blood of Paris. And the city of her plain nearly very early aware of these, they cherish the posterity to bring them to the paste soil, continue to give later generations and will develop the night light, to back for more people to know. With such a virtuous circle and a personal understanding of the common people are worthy of love. In the human civilization development and urbanization process accelerated, the integration of the world, in the context of, this kind of spirit is more surprising. Paris is an example of a model of the old city's cover mission. As a result of understanding all cover the citizens, making once the emergence of damage actions, immediately aroused big block and veto. The city of Paris Abstract established from the opening of the residents of the city play, is inseparable from the cultural heritage to continue and cover. Also because of the "strong sense and actively involved, the authorities of the policies and measures, laws and regulations can smoothly carry out and perform. Paris stormed as historical and cultural city and international metropolis should be old and ancient. There is nearly a hundred different kinds of museums in Paris, more than 40 large garden, park, botanical garden, botanical garden, anyone to total appreciate her historical and scenic spots in Paris is not an easy thing, because of all of the city of Paris is a veritable Museum. Here the heritage of mankind too much too much is truly endless treasures. These brilliant history still retains the Paris national heart operation achievement. And the mature management system and the way of protection can be created and referenced. Paris's old city protection and civilization heritage is worth our hard work. It made a major contribution to human civilization and writing, thought-provoking.


摘要   5-6   Abstract   6-7   插图索引   10-14   附表索引   14-15   第1章 绪论   15-18       1.1 探讨对象及主要内容   15       1.2 探讨目的与意义   15-16       1.3 探讨措施   16-17       1.4 论文框架   17-18   第2章 法国旧城保护思想观的形成   18-29       2.1 旧城保护文化传承   18-19       2.2 巴黎城市发展渊源   19-27           2.2.1 巴黎城市发展史   19-27       2.3 巴黎与法国其他城市旧城保护的近况与发展趋势   27-28       2.4 本章小结   28-29   第3章 法国政府的保护政策与法学   29-35       3.1 法国行政建制与职权   29-30           3.1.1 法国建筑与城市规划的管理所属   29           3.1.2 法国国家建筑师与城市规划师制度   29-30       3.2 19-20世纪出台的相关法学、法规、宣言等   30-31           3.2.1 对于遗产和建筑物   30           3.2.2 对于历史街区和旧城保护   30-31           3.2.3 对于建筑、城市和风景遗产保护区   31       3.3 法国城市保护机制及管理方法   31-34           3.3.1 保护机制   31-32           3.3.2 管理方法   32-34       3.4 本章小结   34-35   第4章 法国旧城保护的文化性传达   35-77       4.1 旧城保护的社会意义   35-43           4.1.1 对城市形象的塑造   35-37           4.1.2 对城市文化的传承   37-42           4.1.3 引起城市居民的心理共鸣   42-43       4.2 巴黎旧城保护进程中的具体方法   43-74           4.2.1 对河流、水体等自然景观的建设和保护   43-55           4.2.2 对道路、交通体系的建设和保护   55-62           4.2.3 对天际线的控制   62-64           4.2.4 对历史街区及城市肌理的建设和保护   64-74       4.3 法国旧城保护的准则   74-75           4.3.1 原真性   74-75           4.3.2 完整性   75       4.4 本章小结   75-77   第5章 法国旧城保护对我国城市建设的作用与启迪   77-86       5.1 我国城市遗产保护及城市形象塑造方面的问题及近况   77-79           5.1.1 我国文化遗产保护事业的基本状况   77-78           5.1.2 我国城市文化遗产保护面临的诸多问题   78-79       5.2 法国旧城保护制度及意识为我国城市建设带来的思考   79-85           5.2.1 相关的政策和法学法规   80           5.2.2 空间形态的保护   80-84           5.2.3 民间组织的影响   84           5.2.4 良好的人文保护意识和积极的公众参与   84-85       5.3 本章小结   85-86   结论   86-88   参考文献   88-91   致谢   91-92   附录A 攻读学位期间所发表的学术论文目录   92  
